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Innovation is key to preserve Europe´s leadership in the mobility sector
CLEPA, together with the European Forum for Manufacturing, hosted a dinner debate at the European Parliament yesterday, focusing on the importance of innovation for preserving and boosting European le...
06 December 2018 - Read more
Council essentially confirms Commission’s proposal on regulation making safety technology mandatory
Today, representatives of the EU member states in the Council adopted their position on the General Safety Regulation published by the European Commission in May 2018. The draft regulation proposes to...
29 November 2018 - Read more
Net-zero emissions in 2050 requires integrated vision for safe, sustainable and smart mobility
The European Commission adopted today the Communication on the strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction, containing scenarios for future policy making going from business-as-usual...
28 November 2018 - Read more
Automotive supplier industry, cities and campaigners call on EU industry ministers to back new vehicle safety standards without delay
Brussels – A coalition of automotive supplier companies, cities and groups campaigning for greater road safety are calling on EU Ministers of Industry to give their full support to a proposed packa...
26 November 2018 - Read more
Four new companies have joined CLEPA
CLEPA membership now counts of more than 145 organisations, including corporate members, national association and associated members. During the last weeks, four new companies have been approved to jo...
22 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA organised the first Counterfeit day
On 22nd November, CLEPA has held a special event called “Counterfeit Day”, providing high-level expertise on the enforcement of intellectual property infringement in the EU and beyond.  ...
22 November 2018 - Read more
ENSEMBLE project presented during the EPTC network workshop
On 20 and 21 November, a "European Truck Platooning Challenge" (ETPC) network workshop was held in Brussels, where the project ENSEMBLE was presented. The project, of which CLEPA is a partner, will...
22 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA carried out the first “Supply Industry Pulse Check” analysis
CLEPA, in collaboration with McKinsey, carried out the first “Supply Industry Pulse Check”, in order to get interesting insights into the current situation and the outlook for the industry.  The...
22 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Newsletter Editorial November 2018: Five minutes to twelve? Bridging electric versus combustion
The negotiations between the European co-legislators on curbing CO2 emissions from cars, vans and trucks are in their final stages. Worryingly, they remain dominated by the artificial divide between ...
22 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA participated at the 13th Congress of the Automotive Industry and Market (SDCM)
The Congress of the Automotive Industry and Market is an annual event organised by the Polish Association of Automotive Parts Distributors and Producers (SDCM). Held in Warsaw on November 7 and 8 2018...
21 November 2018 - Read more
Imposition of steel safeguard measures is not in Europe’s interest
A Joint Statement from a coalition of downstream users of steel – including the automotive, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, home appliance and technology industry sectors – has bee...
21 November 2018 - Read more
EPO published a study on patent applications for self-driving vehicles
The European Patent Office (EPO) has carried out a study providing a broader picture of patent applications in the field of connected and automated driving (CAD). As a more diverse range of industrial...
21 November 2018 - Read more
Last Night the EU Saved My Life: CLEPA joins campaign in support of future EU vehicle safety standards
CLEPA is pleased to support ambitious safety standards through European legislation. We believe that the revision of the General Safety Regulation is a major step toward reaching EU road safety target...
21 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Aftermarket conference announced for 27th and 28th March 2019 in Brussels
In the year of CLEPA’s 60th anniversary, CLEPA will hold its 10th Aftermarket Conference in Brussels on March 27 and 28, 2019. This year, the focus will be on the  “Ability to lead in a digitalis...
21 November 2018 - Read more
DRIVES Project at the European Vocational Skills Week
The DRIVES project, represented by partner Semta, was invited to speak at the event 5 years of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships: Looking back - looking forward, organized by the European All...
20 November 2018 - Read more
Vienna Conventions from 1968 are still at the core of automated driving development and road safety efforts
At the turn of their 50th anniversary, the Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals from 1968 are more relevant than ever. Reference to these legal texts, which are evolving wi...
19 November 2018 - Read more
Ahead of the vote on CO2 standards for trucks: Automotive suppliers call for realistically ambitious targets
Tomorrow in Strasbourg, members of the European Parliament will vote on their position on CO2 standards for heavy duty vehicles, likely adopting targets that go significantly beyond the alre...
13 November 2018 - Read more
CLEPA appreciates JRC’s “Access to digital car data and competition in aftersales services” report
CLEPA appreciates the latest report “Access to digital car data and competition in aftersales services” published recently by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC). The workin...
26 October 2018 - Read more
CLEPA participates at first exchange of views with the European Commission about European Emission Standards for Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles
On October 24, the European Commission organized a stakeholder event on the future of emission standards for the automotive industry. CLEPA welcomed the opportunity to contribute to evidence gathering...
26 October 2018 - Read more
Upcoming funding opportunities for Horizon 2020 transport projects
On 23 October 2018, INEA (Innovation & Networks Executive Agency) organised the Horizon2020 transport virtual info day. The event presented upcoming funding opportunities offered by the EU's Horiz...
26 October 2018 - Read more
European Commission seeking feedback on a Recommendation for cooperative, connected and automated mobility roadmap
The European Commission has published a roadmap concerning the Recommendation for Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM). Proposed Recommendation will concern measures related to specifi...
26 October 2018 - Read more
UNECE adopted resolution on the deployment of automated vehicles in road traffic
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) adopted a resolution on the deployment of highly and fully automated vehicles in road traffic. The resolution is adapting the guiding principl...
26 October 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Newsletter Editorial October 2018: Remaining globally competitive with a large variety of technology solutions
Contained in the Commission’s Work Programme 2019, published this week, are two key files CLEPA will continue focusing on in the months heading up to the European elections: CO2 emission reduction p...
26 October 2018 - Read more
Call to stakeholders: Register now to the DRIVES project database
CLEPA participates at the DRIVES Project-Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Educational Skills – one of the most important European project and Sector Skills Alliance (SSA) into the A...
25 October 2018 - Read more
Learn about anti-counterfeiting in the EU at the CLEPA Counterfeit Day 2018
  This event will provide high-level expertise on the enforcement of intellectual property infringement in the EU and beyond. CLEPA Counterfeit Day 2018 will be held on November 22, 2018,...
24 October 2018 - Read more
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