Working Groups

CLEPA is comprised of Working Groups (WG), which develop strategic positions for our industry and policy.

Senior industry executives chair each policy group, advise in their area of expertise and are prepared to represent the group on important missions. Strategic items and recommended positions developed by the Working Groups are submitted to the Board of Directors/Steering Committee for approval.

Working Groups also develop opinions and positions and define objectives and duration of Subcommissions to be installed.

Contact us


Cours Saint-Michel 30g
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 743 91 30
Fax: +32 2 732 00 55

General mailbox:

CLEPA Working Groups Indicative list of topics covered (not exhaustive) CLEPA permanent contact
Aftermarket Forum (CAF) Access to Data, New business models… Frank Schlehuber

Senior Consultant Market Affairs

Legal Advisory Group Data Protection, Liability… Mariola Hauke

Manager Legal Affairs

WG Energy & Environment  CO2, NOx, Emissions, Substances, Advanced Materials, Recycling, Electrification… David Storer

Director Research, Innovation and New Mobility


WG Research & Innovation  Horizon 2020, FP9, STRIA… David Storer

Director Research, Innovation and New Mobility

WG Safety & Mobility Connected & Automated Driving, C-ITS, Active & Passive Safety, EuroNCAP… David Storer

Director Research, Innovation and New Mobility

WG Technical Regulation UNECE… Paolo Alburno

Director Technical Regulations

WG Telematics Frank Schlehuber

Senior Consultant Market Affairs

WG Trade TTIP, CETA, Non-Tarrif Barriers… Nils Poel

Trade and Market Affairs Manager

WG Warranty  RMI… Frank Schlehuber

Senior Consultant Market Affairs