
    Automotive Skills Alliance – ASA

    The Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) brings together key stakeholders to ensure continuous, pragmatic and sustainable cooperation on the skills agenda in the mobility ecosystem, collaborating at European, as well as on national and regional levels. CLEPA is among the partnership founders and is actively involved as a leader of the Working Group 2 “Communication & Dissemination”.

    The ASA was created in November 2020 under the Pact for Skills, the first flagship action of the European Skills Agenda, firmly anchored in the European Pillar of Social Rights principles. The pact aims to mobilise and incentivise private and public stakeholders to invest and take concrete action for the upskilling and reskilling of working-age people.

    The European automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented green & digital transformation. The mobility ecosystem is facing additional pressures caused by continued supply chain disruptions post COVID-19, and increases in the price of raw materials, energy and semiconductors. The transition impacts the 15 million people employed in the automotive value-chain, putting jobs at risk and challenges in acquiring new skilled talent for emerging jobs.

    The ASA currently gathers more than 90 partners, including large automotive companies and SMEs, national and local authorities, social partners, sectoral organisations, education bodies and training providers. The ASA became a legal entity (non-profit organisation) in January 2022 and is based in Brussels, in the heart of the European Union.

    More information: ASA website

    Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility – CCAM

    The CCAM (Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility) partnership encompasses more than 150 members across different industry sectors, research institutes and universities, associations and clusters, service providers, and national and local authorities, who work to help removing barriers and contribute to the acceptance and efficient roll- out of automation technologies and services.

    The CCAM partnership was founded in a joint effort between the CCAM Association and the EU Commission to align efforts between public and private entities to gather all types of stakeholders willing to collaborate at the European level to advance it’s goals utilising industry, universities and research institutes, services providers, associations and clusters, and public authorities from national and local levels. With cooperation across industry stakeholders at the core of it’s values, members aim to accelerate the development and uptake of automation in mobility to improve road safety, to ensure inclusivity in mobility, while strengthening the competitiveness of the industry within the EU.

    In the context of the Green Deal, CCAM represents the largest concerted effort to focus on the aspects of the deal around the development and implementation of digitisation and automation in mobility across the EU.

    With CLEPA’s Director of Research, Innovation and New Mobility, David Storer on the executive board of the Association, CCAM will work towards these ends until 2030.

    More information: CCAM

    Towards zero emission road transport – 2Zero

    Under the patrionage of Horizon Europe, 2Zero (Towards zero emission road transport) is a European co-funded partnership programme set up in the legacy of the European Green Cars Initiative (2009-2013) and the European Green Vehicles Initiative (2014-2020).

    CLEPA is involved with 2Zero to represent the voice of automotive suppliers in the partnerships’ objectives in working towards reducing emissions and improving air quality, reducing Co2 emissions and accelerating the transition towards carbon-neutral mobility, and the development of new solutions and applications towards these ends.

    2Zero aims to achieve these goals through utilising world-class European R&I efforts and industrial systems to develop a landscape for a competitive new generation of light-weight, energy-efficient and affordable vehicles and support measures to facilitate their rapid deployment.

    The scope of 2Zero is set on a diverse range across the mobility system where it prioritises vehicle technologies and propulsion solutions for Battery-Electric Vehicles (BEV’s) and Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV’s), with specific attention to facilitating BEV’s into the energy system and related charging infrastructure across Europe. Drawing from previously successful experiences from EGCI and EGVI, 2Zero will also gear its focus towards Life Cycle Assessment and circular economy approaches for sustainable and innovative road mobility solutions.

    CLEPA’s goals within 2Zero are centred around facilitating the success of the partnership to cement EU technological leadership in the next decade and help create the right policy conditions for public and private investment in R&I, which will stimulate innovation and create jobs across Europe.

    More information: 2Zero

    Batteries European Partnership – BATT4EU

    The BATT4EU (Batteries European Partnership) is a Co-programmed Partnership established under Horizon Europe which has been set up to pursue a competitive European industrial battery value chain through concerted public and private efforts, where the European Commission is responsible for the assembling of the public partners of the programme, while BEPA brings battery stakeholders from the European Research Community.

    Through these aligned efforts, the BATT4EU partnership will play an essential role in contributing towards the development of the key activities that will be necessary to make the green deal targets necessary. This will be done through advanced materials development, and battery cell design and manufacturing, all of which will be crucial in facilitating an efficient transition towards climate targets and a viable, inclusive shift towards full electrification.

    In practicality, by 2030 and using 2019 as a benchmark, these developments in battery technology are aimed at yielding a 60% increase in battery energy and an increase in the charging rate, to double the cycle lifetime and to reduce battery cost of batteries by 60%., and to implement worldwide best available technologies in manufacturing and recycling operations. Further down the value chain, BATT4EU will also work towards enhancing the sustainability of the main supply chains of battery raw materials through green manufacturing and recycling practices.

    More information: BATT4EU

    Global Battery Alliance – GBA

    A partnership of 150+ businesses, governments, academics, industry actors, international and non-governmental organizations, the GBA mobilizes to ensure that battery production not only supports green energy, but also safeguards human rights and promotes health and environmental sustainability.

    CLEPA is an associated partners of GBA.

    Find out more:

    Clean Hydrogen Partnership

    The Clean Hydrogen Partnership’s main objective is to contribute to EU Green Deal and Hydrogen Strategy through optimised funding of R&I activities. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) and has taken over its legacy portfolio as of 30 November 2021.

    More information: here