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With unprecedented challenges, EU support for the mobility transition is urgently needed | Newsletter Editorial December 2022
As this challenging year comes to a close, it is a good moment to take stock on where we are and what comes next.   Only a few formal steps remain for the EU to finalise the decision on the path...
15 December 2022 - Read more
Crunch time for EU Member States to agree on energy price cap and industrial competitiveness
EU heads of state did not manage to agree on the details of a gas price cap during this week’s summit, pushing a potential decision to the meeting of Energy Ministers on Monday. The ongoing debate i...
13 December 2022 - Read more
EU Project IRISS on sustainable materials hosted special 3-day programme
The IRISS General Assembly took place in Villa Aske, close to Stockholm. The partners met in person for the first time and discussed the project progress and exchanged with representatives from connec...
10 December 2022 - Read more
New UN working group on carbon life-cycle emissions elects CLEPA as co-Secretary
The first session of the recently created United Nation’s working group on carbon life-cycle emissions took place in Okinawa, Japan from 18 to 26 October, and the second session was online on the 6...
08 December 2022 - Read more
US purchase incentives for electric vehicles hindering EU competitiveness
The EU and United States established a dedicated task force to discuss provisions in the US’s Inflation Reduction Act (US-IRA) that exclude EU-manufactured green goods from subsidies, including elec...
06 December 2022 - Read more
UNECE: Two new regulations to improve safety of vulnerable road users
The limited ability of drivers to see correctly pedestrians in close proximity of their vehicle is a key cause of accidents, both for light duty, and for heavy duty vehicles. Two new UN regulations ad...
04 December 2022 - Read more
EU Critical Raw Materials Act should avoid extreme dependencies and improve conditions for investment  
The European Commission plans to present a proposal for a Critical Raw Materials Act before the end of March 2023. This initiative is crucial in setting important conditions for automotive suppliers t...
02 December 2022 - Read more
The Automotive Skills Alliance and European Battery Alliance Academy join forces to foster the upskilling of the automotive workforce
A Memorandum of Understanding between the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) and European Battery Alliance Academy (EBAA) was signed on 21 November in Brussels. The new partnership aims to create a sing...
25 November 2022 - Read more
Automotive suppliers interviewed by Politico on fair access to EU taxonomy
Politico Europe has recently raised the issue of fair access to the EU Taxonomy for automotive suppliers.  In an article published in November, the Brussels-based policy outlet interviewed CEOs fr...
22 November 2022 - Read more
CLEPA DATA DIGEST #4 – Electrification reshaping the automotive supply industry
Edition #4 – DATA DIGEST is CLEPA’s monthly publication shedding light on the health and resilience of the European automotive supply industry through latest facts and figures W...
22 November 2022 - Read more
TRA2022: CLEPA took part in the key event on R&I work in the transport sector in Lisbon
The latest in the series of biannual Transport Research Arena (TRA) conferences, the largest European research and technology conference was held 14-17 November in Lisbon, covering all road, rail and...
18 November 2022 - Read more
United Nations WP.29 looks at new assessments during Periodical Technical Inspection
The UN World Forum for the Harmonization of Regulations WP.29 hosted its 188th session on 14-16 November in Geneva, with a special focus on the ‘Framework document on vehicle whole-life complianceâ€...
16 November 2022 - Read more
Euro 7 proposal: A significant step towards higher ambition, but technical challenges a concern
CLEPA supports a sensible further development of pollutant emission standards. Automotive suppliers are committed to sustainable mobility, to improved air quality and public health. The Euro...
10 November 2022 - Read more
Joint letter of the EU industry: European Energy Taxation should reflect the climate impact of energy carriers
The signatories of this letter welcome the initiative of the European Commission for the long overdue recast of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD). Such framework is key to reach the objective of t...
09 November 2022 - Read more
Data Act is important but has to be complemented soon by sector-specific legislation on access to in-vehicle data, functions and resources
A delay of a sector-specific legislation risks further reducing competitiveness and limits consumer choice  The horizontal Data Act is a relevant regulation to ensure a more level playing f...
08 November 2022 - Read more
The success of the Green Deal is directly linked to European competitiveness | Newsletter Editorial November 2022
The mild October temperatures provided some relief in Europe to cope with the energy crisis, but the predictions for the coming winter and next year leave little room for optimism: continued suppl...
02 November 2022 - Read more
Commission to publish new Euro7 proposal on vehicle emissions next week 
The publication of the European Commission’s proposal for Euro 7 regulation concerning the next stage of vehicle pollutant emissions is expected 9 November. CLEPA supports a sensible further develop...
31 October 2022 - Read more
Trilogue on CO2 standards concluded: 100% target requires matching ambition for charging and refuelling infrastructure and a thorough review
The European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament reached an agreement in Trilogue on CO2 emission standards for cars and vans. The co-legislators confirmed the 10...
27 October 2022 - Read more
Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility Association meeting discusses R&I priorities at EU level
The Association of the European R&I Partnership for Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) held a ‘Multi-cluster’ workshop in Brussels on 25 October. The event was well attended by re...
27 October 2022 - Read more
Commission’s new supply chain regulation should refrain from prioritisation of production orders
The European Commission’s proposal for a Single Market Emergency Instrument seeks to better protect free movement of people, services, and goods in crisis situations. It will furthermore provide the...
26 October 2022 - Read more
Automotive suppliers’ profits continue to drop amid rising costs, putting the ecosystem at risk – September 2022 Pulse Check results
• Sentiment among automotive suppliers drops to historic lows • Energy and other cost pressures are impacting operational profitability • Despite challenges, the automotive supply industry r...
26 October 2022 - Read more
CO2 standards trilogue: Urgent need for inclusion of a Just Transition framework for Europe’s automotive workforce
Next week it is anticipated that the trilogue on the revision of EU CO2 standards for cars and vans will conclude. As industry, trade unions, employers and environmental organisations, we have been jo...
21 October 2022 - Read more
Energy crisis: Impact on competitiveness of EU auto sector – Joint statement from the European automotive ecosystem
Auto sector: a backbone of the EU economy The automotive sector and its whole value chain is a backbone of the European economy. It represents: Jobs for 13 million Europeans 11.5% of EU man...
21 October 2022 - Read more
CLEPA supports EU efforts to end discriminatory US subsidies for electric vehicles
The EU and United States established a dedicated task force to discuss provisions in the US Inflation Reduction Act (US-IRA) that exclude EU-manufactured green goods from subsidies, including electric...
20 October 2022 - Read more
Automotive R&D community gathered for EARPA’s 20th anniversary
On 19 October, EARPA, the association of automotive R&D organisations, celebrated their 20th Anniversary with an event in Brussels, providing an opportunity to assess what has been achieved over t...
20 October 2022 - Read more
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