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Appointment of Geoffroy Peeters as Head of Government Affairs at CLEPA
CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, is pleased to announce the appointment of Geoffroy Peeters as Head of Government Affairs. Geoffroy brings a wealth of experience in EU public...
24 September 2024 - Read more
CLEPA calls for a technology-neutral review of CO2 regulations
Brussels, 19 September 2024 In the context of the current debate on CO2 regulations for vehicles and their reviews, CLEPA comments as following: We welcome the growing debate on CO2 regulations for...
19 September 2024 - Read more
CLEPA joins call for independent operators’ ‘Right to Repair’
CLEPA, along with other sector associations, have co-signed a statement calling for independent operators’ ‘Right to Repair’ at their meeting during Automechanika 2024. The call centres on an...
18 September 2024 - Read more
Affordable mobility requires a robust regulatory framework for the automotive aftermarket
Brussels, 10 September - A study conducted jointly with Berylls by Alix Partners, in collaboration with CLEPA and FIGIEFA, and launched at Automechanika, has examined two potential scenarios that coul...
10 September 2024 - Read more
Sustainable and competitive mobility in Europe hinges on a green industrial deal that works for both businesses and citizens | Editorial August 2024
"A stronger Europe that implements what it agrees in a fair way, and that sticks to the targets of the European Green Deal with pragmatism, technology-neutrality and innovation.” This was the promis...
01 August 2024 - Read more
Driving Ambition to Action – Priorities for Sustainable and Smart Mobility in the EU
Brussels, 18 July - Today, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) published its policy priorities for the legislative term 2024-29. The paper, entitled “Driving Ambition to Action...
18 July 2024 - Read more
CLEPA joins call for open EU trade and market access
CLEPA, along with 31 other European associations, have co-signed a Joint Declaration on Open Trade. The declaration calls for an ambitious EU trade policy focused on strong openness and market acces...
15 July 2024 - Read more
CLEPA signs joint statement for ambitious European research and innovation framework programme
CLEPA, along with 109 other associations, have signed a Joint Statement for an Ambitious next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10). The call is to answer urgent industrial n...
04 July 2024 - Read more
CLEPA’s Materials Regulations and Sustainability Event 2024: A Landmark Gathering of Global Automotive Experts
Brussels, 3 July 2024 – CLEPA, the European association representing the automotive supply industry, successfully  concluded the 16th edition of its Materials Regulations and Sustainability event (...
03 July 2024 - Read more
Tariffs may offer a temporary solution but will not solve Europe’s competitiveness challenge – Editorial June 2024
Unlike protectionist trade measures, focusing on market-based principles will do more than simply buy time for European businesses to adapt to increasing global competition. The EU needs a competitive...
25 June 2024 - Read more
CLEPA joins ‘SYNERGIES’-project for autonomous driving
On 11-12 June, 33 partners kicked off the EU-funded project ‘SYNERGIES’ in Barcelona, aimed at creating a European platform designed to improve the development, testing, and validation of autonomo...
24 June 2024 - Read more
CLEPA among stakeholders to analyse new EU Deforestation Regulation
In the framework of the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) applying by the end of 2024, Drive Sustainability, Drive +, CLEPA and VDA are working together to assess the scope of the EUDR. The EUD...
24 June 2024 - Read more
CLEPA 2024 General Assembly welcomes Polish state representatives for discussions on driving the automotive transformation forward
The 2024 CLEPA General Assembly, held in Warsaw, welcomed more than 100 participants, representing 11 national associations and 80 corporate and associate members to discuss the future of the automoti...
19 June 2024 - Read more
Tariffs might buy us time, but won’t reverse the threat to EU competitiveness
Brussels, 12 June 2024 - The European Commission today announced its provisional decision to increase tariffs on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) manufactured in China and exported into the European U...
12 June 2024 - Read more
CCAM General Assembly elects new leadership and sets course for future projects
The General Assembly of the R&I Partnership on Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) was held in Brussels on 22 May. This event marked a key moment to reflect on the past three years sin...
24 May 2024 - Read more
CLEPA joins EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement business roundtable
The CEPA Coalition, comprised of associations representing a wide range of companies across diverse sectors of the European and Indonesian economies, welcomes the productive dialogue fostered during t...
14 May 2024 - Read more
New publication: CLEPA position paper on Green Claims Directive
Automotive suppliers are actively developing strategies and pre-competitive partnerships to provide sound, reliable and comparable tools to measure sustainability progress  Uncertainty in th...
10 May 2024 - Read more
CLEPA joins new ERASMUS+ project ‘TRIREME’ on automotive skills
The European Commission has funded a grant of €4 million to launch a 32-partner strong consortium across 15 countries, focused on digital and green skills for future mobility. The new European proje...
26 April 2024 - Read more
CLEPA welcomes recognition of key components in Net-Zero Industry Act and Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform regulation
CLEPA welcomes the Parliament’s adoption of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) and the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) regulation, which may both enter into force from July this year...
25 April 2024 - Read more
Parliament adopts Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
After two years of intense political discussions and negotiations, the European Parliament has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). This directive mandates that compani...
24 April 2024 - Read more
European automotive suppliers face unprecedented uncertainty amid shrinking profit margins
Brussels, 16 April – CLEPA and McKinsey & Company unveil the latest insights into the European automotive supply industry’s health and sentiment through its bi-annual survey. With over 130 res...
16 April 2024 - Read more
CLEPA signs the Antwerp Declaration for an Industrial Deal
CLEPA's Secretary General Benjamin Krieger and other 1000+ industry leaders from companies and organisations across various energy-intensive sectors, which represent €550+ billion in value added and...
11 April 2024 - Read more
Auto sector CEOs to EU leaders: Europe needs robust Industry Deal to make the Green Deal happen
Brussels, 10 April 2024 – 13 CEOs of leading European vehicle manufacturers and automotive suppliers met today with the EU Commissioner for Climate Action, Wopke Hoekstra, for an ‘Automotive Round...
10 April 2024 - Read more
Fair regulation will enable greener and smarter solutions for the aftermarket and a stronger mobility ecosystem in Europe
Market outlook: Industry leaders emphasise the need for a clearer legislative framework to unlock innovation and competitiveness in the aftermarket. Advocacy for fair regulation: CLEPA calls...
26 March 2024 - Read more
CLEPA welcomes additional weight allowances for zero-emission technologies, but urges further progress in upcoming Council negotiations
Brussels, 12 March 2024 – Following the European Parliament vote on the Weights and Dimensions Directive, CLEPA underlines the need for further improvements and clarifications in the approved text,...
12 March 2024 - Read more
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