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EU reinforces commitment in the field Automated Road Transport
On the occasion of the ITS European Congress in Strasbourg on the 21 of June, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) celebrates the recent signature of seven grant agreements with project...
21 June 2017 - Read more
EU devoting more resources to boost jobs and growth
The European Union is devoting more resources to help boost jobs and growth and to address the migration crisis. It is also strengthening its capacity to react to unexpected events. These are the main...
20 June 2017 - Read more
The European Skills Index
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational training (Cedefop) helps develop and implement EU vocational training policies. It monitors labour market trends and helps the European Commission...
19 June 2017 - Read more
SERNAUTO celebrates its 50th Anniversary
SERNAUTO, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Automotive Equipment and Components, celebrated its 50-year anniversary on June 15. The commemoration took place at the Círculo de Bellas Artes i...
16 June 2017 - Read more
2017 Helsinki Chemical Forum
This year’s Helsinki Chemicals Forum was held on 8-9 June 2017. The Helsinki Chemicals Forum is an independent forum aimed at promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally. The confe...
13 June 2017 - Read more
Changing skills for a changing world
The future of skills, vocational education and training and labour market systems is at the forefront of the Torino Process 2017 conference on June 7-8, bringing together hundreds of stakeholders from...
09 June 2017 - Read more
The Council agrees on updated rules for lorry and bus drivers.
The first TTE-Transport Council took place on June 8 2017. The Council agreed on a general approach on updated rules for the training and qualifications of professional lorry and bus drivers. The Coun...
09 June 2017 - Read more
Council Register – 18th month programme of the Council
This 18-month programme provides a forward looking agenda revolving around citizens' expectations tackling together our common challenges, strengthening trust in the European Union, bringing it closer...
07 June 2017 - Read more
State aid: Commission and China start dialogue on state aid control
  European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, and He Lifeng, Chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission, have signed today in Brussels a Memo...
07 June 2017 - Read more
WTO issues 2017 Annual Report
The WTO has published its 2017 Annual Report covering the organisation's activities in 2016 and early 2017. The Report opens with a message from Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, who looks back on a...
01 June 2017 - Read more
Clean Vehicles Directive
Summary   According to a recent evaluation of the Clean Vehicles Directive performed by the European Commission, the directive seems to raise concerns about whether the incentives included...
01 June 2017 - Read more
CLEPA supports ambitious mobility vision outlined by the European Commission today
Brussels, 31 May 2017   The European Commission publishes its communication “Europe on the move – An agenda for a socially fair transition towards clean, competitive and connected mobility...
31 May 2017 - Read more
Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System (SINTRAS)
Europe faces the challenge of meeting growing demand for transport with shrinking public financial resources, while reducing environmental impacts, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing dependenc...
30 May 2017 - Read more
Commission proposes budget with focus on jobs, investments, migration and security
The Commission today proposed a draft budget for 2018 of €161 billion in commitments to stimulate the creation of more jobs, especially for young people, and to boost growth and strategic investment...
30 May 2017 - Read more
Competitiveness Council conclusions
Asides from the issues of the internal market and industry, the Council also dealt with topics in the area of foreign affairs, financial services, research, the customs union, transport, company law a...
30 May 2017 - Read more
Car emissions and safety: Commission welcomes Member States’ agreement on stricter rules
The Commission welcomes the agreement reached by the Member States on its legislative proposal to ensure that car manufacturers comply strictly with all EU safety, environmental and production require...
30 May 2017 - Read more
Council agrees to reform type-approval and market surveillance system
The Council agreed on a general approach to reform the system of type-approval and market surveillance for motor vehicles. This major reform will modernise the current system, adapt it to new technolo...
30 May 2017 - Read more
Council Register – Road safety endorsing the Valletta Declaration
On 2 December 2010, the Council adopted Conclusions on the road safety policy for the next decade. Among other points, Council underlined the need to give special attention to reducing the number of i...
29 May 2017 - Read more
European Council – Tusk-Trump meeting
Remarks by President Donald Tusk after meeting with President Donald Trump: ''During my meeting with President Trump, we discussed foreign policy, security, climate and trade relations. My feeling...
29 May 2017 - Read more
Article 29 WP – APPA – GDPR Interactive Workshop
The first international interactive workshop on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) between Asian Pacific Privacy Authority (APPA) members and Working Party 29 (WP29) members was held in Par...
29 May 2017 - Read more
Over €230 million awarded to 39 Horizon 2020 transport projects
39 projects selected under the H2020 Societal Challenge " Smart, green and integrated transport " will receive €238 million EU funding. These projects cover air, waterborne and road transport, safet...
29 May 2017 - Read more
Industry, NGOs and cities call for urgent action on vehicle safety standards
Brussels - A coalition of industry, NGOs, consumer groups and cities are calling on the European Commission to  urgently bring forward new minimum safety standards for new cars, vans and trucks, afte...
24 May 2017 - Read more
Build bridges, not walls
Commissioner Malmström - "Build bridges, not walls!” says EU Trade Commissioner. EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström today set out the state of play for the EU's ambitious agenda of trade poli...
24 May 2017 - Read more
EC Expert Group Register
The Customs Expert Group's fourth meeting will take place on June 19. 2017   Items on the agenda include: UCC - DA FIRST AMENDMENT LIST OF ISSUES (DOCUMENT DIH 15/006 REV 6) (60') T...
24 May 2017 - Read more
Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles
Please click here to access the Presidency compromise on the Proposal for a Regulation on the approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and sep...
24 May 2017 - Read more
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