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EC: CEF programme to support and catalyse investments in digital connectivity infrastructures
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2) Digital programme aims to support and catalyse investments in digital connectivity infrastructures of common interest during the period 2021-2027. To stimulate fu...
10 December 2019 - Read more
EC JRC – Study on Digital transformation in transport, construction, energy, government and public administration
This report provides an analysis of digital transformation (DT) in a selection of policy areas covering transport, construction, energy, and digital government and public administration.  ...
10 December 2019 - Read more
EC: €3.2 billion of public support for a pan-European research and innovation project in all segments of the battery value chain
The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules an Important Project of Common European interest (“IPCEI”) jointly notified by Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Sw...
10 December 2019 - Read more
EC: CEF call to support sustainable transport projects
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) launched today a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Blending Facility. It seeks to promote the participation of private s...
10 December 2019 - Read more
CLEPA 60th anniversary celebration peaks with a landmark event in Brussels
Over 300 participants attended the  “Future As We Move – Shaping Solutions For Mobility” event yesterday in Brussels, organised by CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, fea...
05 December 2019 - Read more
European automotive suppliers call for Digital Single Market for Mobility and masterplan for the mobility industry
Call for action to unleash potential of connected and automated driving Transition to safe, sustainable and smart mobility needs urgent, concerted action Strategic autonomy in new mobility...
04 December 2019 - Read more
Joint letter: Industry associations call on new EU Commission to focus on Power-to-X
Brussels, 2 December 2019   Dear Executive Vice-President Timmermans,   We would like to congratulate you on your appointment. In this open letter we would like to contribute to yo...
02 December 2019 - Read more
European industries unite to call for an ambitious EU industrial strategy
Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector Associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, today published its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial...
26 November 2019 - Read more
CLEPA and ACEA publish a joint paper on future C-ITS spectrum needs for cooperative connected and automated mobility
The automotive industry strongly supports ambitious policy goals towards achieving a European environment for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM), which can contribute to a safer, m...
26 November 2019 - Read more
EC: Save the date for the 8th EU Energy Day
The 8th EU Energy Day is part of the EU side events at the World Future Energy Summit and will feature the European Green Deal and the road to becoming the world’s first climat...
19 November 2019 - Read more
The European Investment Bank launches a new initiative for future mobility
A new initiative for transport Future Mobility, launched by the EIB- European Investment Bank, supports clean, digital and automated transport investments. It backs projects that reduce carbon emis...
19 November 2019 - Read more
CLEPA Conflict Minerals Factsheet
  Summary The automotive supply chain has been attaching great importance on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along the automotive supply chain since many years. High priority is set o...
18 November 2019 - Read more
CLEPA presents “Future as we move” to the WP.29 delegations in Geneva
The World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations held its 179th session in Geneva from the 12th to the 14th of November.   The UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Reg...
18 November 2019 - Read more
Musing about strategic value chains, or being fit for new paradigms – CLEPA Newsletter Editorial November 2019
With last week’s green light for the envisaged commissioners Thierry Breton (internal market) and Adina-Ioana Valean (transport), two key figures have entered stage. Both will be heavily involved in...
18 November 2019 - Read more
The Forum for Mobility and Society hosts an event on key deliverables that mobility needs from the EU on connected and automated driving
The Forum for Mobility and Society, of which CLEPA is a member, brings together mobility stakeholders from the industry and civil society. It organises regular debates on current mobility issues, acti...
14 November 2019 - Read more
Council approves the Revision of the General Safety Regulation
On 8 November, the Council of the EU formally adopted the revision of the General Safety Regulation. The regulation will make obligatory a list of safety measures for various vehicle classes over the...
12 November 2019 - Read more
EC: First steps for the new Expert Group on Road Infrastructure Safety
The European Commission's, DG MOVE just set up an expert group on Road Infrastructure Safety.   In view of the upcoming entry into force of Directive amending Directive 2008/96/EC on Road...
11 November 2019 - Read more
Comprehensive and carefully managed transformation key to sustain industry competitiveness
CLEPA, together with the European Forum for Manufacturing, held a dinner debate at the European Parliament yesterday, focusing on the policy measures required to ensure the sustainability and compet...
07 November 2019 - Read more
EC: recommendations to support Europe’s leadership in six strategic industrial sectors
The European Commission has published the recommendations prepared by the Strategic Forum on Important Projects of Common European Interest. The group aims at boosting Europe’s competitiveness and g...
07 November 2019 - Read more
CLEPA participates in the Parts Aftermarket Congress 2019 in Rome
The Parts Aftermarket Congress took place on the 29th and 30th of October in Rome. In its 15th edition, it was organised by the Italian magazine “Parts” and it once more counted with the patronage...
31 October 2019 - Read more
CLEPA participates in the ITS World Congress in Singapore
The ITS World Congress took place in Singapore from the 21st to the 25th of October. On its 26th edition, the event gathered over 300 exhibitors, 20 technical tours and demos and more than 10,000 part...
29 October 2019 - Read more
EC: “Batteries Europe” holds its General Assembly in Brussels
On 22 October 2019, the general assembly of “Batteries Europe” took place in Brussels. This platform is the research and innovation strand of the European Battery Alliance and is an important ini...
23 October 2019 - Read more
Online tool “Global Roadmap of Action” launched
The Sustainable Mobility for All (SUM4All) initiative has launched the Global Roadmap of Action toward Sustainable Mobility (GRA), a tool to guide country decision-makers on “how to” achieve mobil...
23 October 2019 - Read more
CLEPA POSITION PAPER – Conformity Factors in the RDE regulations Proposal COM (2019) 208
Background This paper sets out CLEPA’s position on the proposal by the European Commission for a Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respec...
21 October 2019 - Read more
CLEPA participates in the fifth SERNAUTO gathering ‘Innovating for new mobility’
SERNAUTO, the Spanish association of automotive suppliers, this week hosted the fifth edition of its gathering ‘Innovating for new mobility’ in Madrid. The event gathered many representativ...
18 October 2019 - Read more
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