CLEPA speaks at the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change held by the European Economic and Social Committee on Brexit
Considering the urgent matter that Brexit represents today in the European agenda, the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change of the European Economic and Social Committee organised a session on the 2nd of October to discuss its potential impact for the automotive sector. Benjamin Krieger, Head of Government Affairs at CLEPA, presented the views of the association.
Currently, in a single day 1100 trucks enter the UK to deliver to car and engine production plants. Additionally, around 5100 cars and 5800 engines are exported worldwide from the UK. 69% of UK components are exported to the EU, and 80% of all the components in the country come from the EU.
A significant uncertainty remains for the industry. There is still no clearly defined, jointly approved vision for the future EU-UK economic and trade relationship. Additionally, the automotive suppliers industry relies on frictionless trade between the UK and the rest of the EU and is therefore in urgent need of clarity with regards to potential changes to the current framework to implement strategic business decisions.
Read here our position paper.
The Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (known by its French acronym of CCMI, Commission consultative des mutations industrielles) examines changes in industry across a wide range of sectors, keeping pace and tackling them according to the values of the European economic and social model.
The CCMI succeeded the consultative committee of the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) when the latter expired on 23 July 2002. It is established as a distinct body within the EESC and has a remit extended to all sectors of industry in both manufacturing and services.
The CCMI is made up of EESC members and external delegates.
In: CLEPA News, Growth & Competitiveness, Trade