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Horizon 2020: 26 transport projects selected for funding
INEA is planning to invest €165.51 million in European Mobility for Growth and Green Vehicles projects. INEA has invited 26 project coordinators to prepare grant agreements for Horizon 2020 funding...
18 May 2017 - Read more
Implementation of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement
  MEPs voted today (18 May 2017) to support a motion for a resolution on the outcomes of a five-year-old free trade agreement with South Korea, which praises the agreement for its positive eff...
18 May 2017 - Read more
Reactions to the ECJ ruling on the EU-Singapore FTA
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) today ruled on the division of competences in the bilateral trade agreement between the EU and Singapore. Most of the competences, such as transport, sustainable de...
17 May 2017 - Read more
Keynote speech at European Data Protection Days
Personal data protection is a fundamental right in the European Union; it is part of the European DNA and deserves the highest protection standards. Every year on 28 January, the European Commission c...
17 May 2017 - Read more
New Skills Agenda for Europe
The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection calls on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Committee on Culture and Education, as the committees responsible, to incor...
17 May 2017 - Read more
The Next Production Revolution
G7 - The OECD launched the Report "The Next Production Revolution", featuring Industry 4.0 implications. The spread of digital technologies has fueled a new production revolution that will have implic...
12 May 2017 - Read more
Market penetration of fuel efficiency technologies
As the global demand for freight transport continues to grow, improving the efficiency of on-road freight vehicles is an increasingly important step to mitigate the resulting climate impacts, reduce e...
09 May 2017 - Read more
WHO – United Nations Global Road Safety Week
Speed contributes to around one-third of all fatal road traffic crashes in high-income countries, and up to half in low- and middle-income countries. In the WHO European Region, nearly 85 000 people d...
08 May 2017 - Read more
Approval of 12V motor-generators for passenger cars
The Commission has published the implementing decision on the approval of efficient 12 V motor-generators for use in conventional combustion engine powered passenger cars as an innovative technology...
08 May 2017 - Read more
Improving skills can help countries benefit from globalisation
In an increasingly competitive international environment, providing workers with the right mix of skills can help ensure that globalisation translates into new jobs and productivity gains rather than...
05 May 2017 - Read more
Evaluation of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive
The ITS Directive provides the legal framework to support the coordinated and coherent deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) within the European Union, in particular across borders...
05 May 2017 - Read more
Faurecia and ZF enter in a Strategic Partnership
ZF and Faurecia, both leading global systems suppliers for cars and trucks, will cooperate in a strategic partnership for the development of disruptive and differentiating interior and safety techno...
04 May 2017 - Read more
Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU
At a cabinet meeting today, the government agreed in principle on the programme of the Estonian EU Council Presidency which will be based on four priorities. The final version of the Estonian Presiden...
04 May 2017 - Read more
Responsible trade in conflict minerals
Commissioner Malmström promotes responsible trade in conflict minerals"When people in Europe buy a smartphone or a can of tomatoes, they don't expect it to have come from slave labour. They don't exp...
03 May 2017 - Read more
Commission publishes report on trade talks with Japan
The Commission published - as part of  its commitment to a more transparent trade policy – a  report summarising the progress made during the latest round of EU-Japan tradetalks which took place...
02 May 2017 - Read more
Brexit should not undermine automotive competitiveness
Press release Brexit should not undermine automotive competitiveness, manufacturers and suppliers warn   Brussels, 27 April 2017 – Ahead of the EU-Brexit summit this weekend, European auto...
27 April 2017 - Read more
CLEPA Policy Debate & Annual Reception
25 April 2017   CLEPA Policy Debate and Annual Reception 2017 Brussels, Residence Palace, 5:00 pm   European automotive suppliers accelerate innovation; Safe, sustainable and...
25 April 2017 - Read more
DG Grow – Report on Single Market integration and competitiveness in the EU and its Member States
Please follow the link to access the DG GROW Report on Single Market integration and competitiveness in the EU and its Member States. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the state of integrat...
25 April 2017 - Read more
Electric vehicle network
The German government unveiled on Tuesday an interactive map of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. The Federal Network Agency, or BNetzA, says the map gives consumers an overview o...
20 April 2017 - Read more
Self-driving arms race
The race to develop and exploit autonomous vehicle technology is reshaping the hierarchy of the automotive industry, replacing traditional top-down manufacturing relationships with complex webs of all...
13 April 2017 - Read more
Will Car Users Share Their Personal Data?
With a new generation of connected cars primed to produce reams of operational and owner-related data one hurdle remains. Will people share this data? To find out, McKinsey surveyed over 3,000 consume...
12 April 2017 - Read more
EU and Japan conclude 18th round of trade talks
The 18th round of negotiations between the EU and Japan took place in Tokyo on 3-5 April 2017. This was the first round of negotiation held since the leaders meeting of 21 March 2017 between President...
11 April 2017 - Read more
Delphi Automotive announced investments and partnerships
Car parts supplier and integrator Delphi Automotive announced investments and partnerships in three privately held companies to help carmakers profit from the increasing amount of data produced by the...
10 April 2017 - Read more
Horizon 2020 to be topped up with €200 million
The European Parliament gave today its consent to additional €200 million for Horizon 2020, the current EU research and innovation funding programme, by adopting a compromise on the mid-term review...
07 April 2017 - Read more
1st European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) – “Together, shaping the future”
Few road safety topics have generated as much conversation in recent years as connected and automated driving. The automotive industry is on the cusp of major change. Connected and automated cars hol...
04 April 2017 - Read more
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