
Electric vehicle network

The German government unveiled on Tuesday an interactive map of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. The Federal Network Agency, or BNetzA, says the map gives consumers an overview of the availability of charging points in their part of the country. Information includes available plugs and charging capacity. The map includes around 1,600 charging facilities with 3,335 individual points managed by more than 300 operators. Since March 2016, companies have been compelled to make the location of their charging points public. Estimated demand: Getting more electric vehicles on the road will require a rapid roll out of charging infrastructure to keep them juiced up. Last year saw a 27 percent rise in the total number of points in Germany, according to industry alliance the BDEW, but a 2015 report from the German government’s National Electromobility Platform said that some 5,700 additional fast charging stations would be needed by 2020. If all goes to plan, the map should get a lot more crowded.




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