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EC reopened review of the steel safeguards
The European Commission exceptionally reopened its review of the steel safeguards measures after calls from the steel industry and some member states for a downward revision of the quota.  ...
07 May 2020 - Read more
CLEPA working group discusses EU-UK Free Trade Agreement with DG Trade
On the 5th of May, CLEPA and members of its Trade Working Group met with representatives of the European Commission to present the perspective of the automotive supply industry on the future Free Trad...
07 May 2020 - Read more
25 ACTIONS for a successful restart of the EU’s automotive sector
Joint PR: Automotive sector calls for vehicle renewal incentives to kickstart economic recovery Europe’s four auto sector associations publish 25-point action plan for successful restart  ...
05 May 2020 - Read more
EC: Call for applications for the selection of members of the Commission Expert Group on Intelligent Transport Systems
The European Commission has set up a sub-group on Cooperative Intelligent Transport systems.   The group will support the European Commission in the implementation of the pilot on common EU...
30 April 2020 - Read more
EC: Launch of new hackathon on the challenges of the circular economy
Building on the objectives put forward in the green deal and the new circular economy action plan, the European Commission today launches a new hackathon on the challenges of the circular economy....
30 April 2020 - Read more
EC: Study on the feasibility, costs and benefits of retrofitting advanced driver assistance to improve road safety
The European Parliament has adopted regulation (EU) 2019/2144, which will make several ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) mandatory in new models from June 2022 onward and in all new vehicle...
30 April 2020 - Read more
ENSEMBLE Project: Watch the video of the webinar “Is truck platooning a potential solution to truck driver shortage?”
With driver shortage threatening to disrupt future supply chains, how can technology potentially support the industry? What have we learned from the leading European project on truck platooning, ENSEM...
30 April 2020 - Read more
EC: €50 million pilot to develop skills and education across Europe
The European Investment Fund (EIF) and European Commission are launching a new pilot guarantee facility to improve access to finance for individuals and organisations looking to invest in skills and e...
30 April 2020 - Read more
European Agency for Safety and Work published Covid-19 back to the workplace guidelines
Following the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) pandemic, most of the Member States of the European Union (EU) have put in place a number of measures, including those affecting workplaces, t...
30 April 2020 - Read more
CLEPA participated in the Circular Plastics Alliance Steering Committee to discuss R&D needs for the EU
On 30th April, CLEPA joined the Circular Plastics Alliance steering committee meeting. The Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) is an initiative under the European Strategy for Plastics (2018), launched b...
30 April 2020 - Read more
Media outreach of the automotive industry Code of Business Conduct
CLEPA (the European Automotive Suppliers’ Association) and ACEA (the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) have jointly adopted a ‘Code of Business Conduct in view of COVID-19’ to su...
21 April 2020 - Read more
CLEPA PR: Automotive suppliers urge to support economic recovery with coordinated restart of production and early demand stimulus
The automotive system and component manufacturers in Europe are calling on governments to coordinate their restart strategies and stimulate demand in support of economic recovery.   Sigr...
20 April 2020 - Read more
CLEPA overview of Health & Safety strategies & guidelines for the automotive supply industry workplace
While the health situation is gradually improving, Europe is preparing to put the driving forces of its industrial fabric back into motion. Prioritising the health of their employees and the rest of t...
17 April 2020 - Read more
CLEPA and ACEA PR: Automotive industry signs joint Code of Business Conduct to support re-start of production
CLEPA (the European Automotive Suppliers’ Association) and ACEA (the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) have jointly adopted a ‘Code of Business Conduct in view of COVID-19’ t...
15 April 2020 - Read more
Project DRIVES: Online courses for automotive industry employees currently at home
Due to the pandemic crisis, European automotive production units have gradually come to a halt, and have been forced to resort to extreme measures such as dismissing or laying-off workers. During t...
07 April 2020 - Read more
Covid-19: Publications and useful links
Please find below a selection of sources that provide key information on Covid-19 crisis evolution and response:   Public institutions:   European Commission, Corona virus response...
03 April 2020 - Read more
Restarting the automotive industry is simply impossible without close coordination and support – CLEPA Newsletter Editorial April 2020
Within the space of only a couple of days, the automotive industry in Europe has come to an almost complete standstill and millions of people are at home to either work from there or, more often, bi...
03 April 2020 - Read more
Automotive supply industry mobilises to face coronavirus
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, hospitals and medical staff are struggling to meet equipment requirements. Automotive suppliers are working fast to support them in the fight against the spread...
02 April 2020 - Read more
EC: Roadmap for regulation on European vehicle emissions standards is open for feedback
This initiative, which is part of the European Green Deal, will develop stricter emissions standards (Euro 7) for all petrol and diesel cars, vans, lorries and buses. To ensure vehicles on EU roads...
01 April 2020 - Read more
EC: Public Consultation on 2030 Climate Target Plan is now open
The European Green Deal aims to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent. To this end, the Commission intends to increase the EU’s 2030 target for greenhouse gas emission reductions...
01 April 2020 - Read more
EC: Questions and answers to help increase production of safe medical supplies
Today, the Commission is making available guidance to assist manufacturers in ramping up production of essential medical equipment and material in three areas: the production of masks and other person...
30 March 2020 - Read more
EC: President von der Leyen calls out to industry to ramp up production of products to tackle the crisis
Coronavirus: President von der Leyen and Commissioner Breton discuss solutions with industry to ramp up production of products needed to tackle the crisis   Yesterday, President Ursula von...
27 March 2020 - Read more
COVID-19: Joint letter of the auto sector to the President of the European Commission
The Presidents of CLEPA, ACEA, ETRMA and CECRA – the European associations representing vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, tyre manufacturers, dealers and repairers – wrote a letter to the Presid...
26 March 2020 - Read more
ARCADE Project: co-located Symposium of the TRA 2020 Conference in Helsinki has been cancelled
Due to the current coronavirus situation, the TRA 2020 Conference in Helsinki, and thus the co-located EUCAD 2020 Symposium are cancelled. The Symposium is organised by the ARCADE initiative and...
26 March 2020 - Read more
Project DRIVES: EU Automotive Apprenticeship Marketplace summary report
Project DRIVES (Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Education Skills) will soon release the outcome assessment on the European Automotive Apprenticeship Marketplace (read Summary Re...
26 March 2020 - Read more
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