
The Commission has asked Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania and Sweden to fully transpose EU rules on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (Directive 2014/94/EU). The main purpose of the Directive is to establish a common framework for the large-scale roll-out of alternative fuels infrastructure in Europe....

On the 13th of September 2017, IndustriAll, the European trade union of workers in manufacturing, mining and energy, published its position paper on CO2 reduction from road transport.   CO2 emissions targets for cars must be environmentally ambitious, technically realistic & socially acceptable In the late 1990s European...

Executive Summary Europe should maintain its leading position in reducing CO2 emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles as European trucks are currently amongst the most efficient ones in the world with best-in-class technologies regarding fuel efficiency. Reaching EU target levels for Heavy-Duty Vehicle emissions will require the...

25 April 2017   CLEPA Policy Debate and Annual Reception 2017 Brussels, Residence Palace, 5:00 pm   European automotive suppliers accelerate innovation; Safe, sustainable and smart mobility trends are increasingly linked   Safe, sustainable and smart mobility are the main drivers for automotive innovation.  To obtain the best possible results for environment,...

CLEPA and Deloitte are pleased to invite you to submit proposals for the CLEPA Innovation Awards 2017 which will be handed over on 29th of June 2017 in Rome. The CLEPA Innovation Award recognizes the innovation capabilities of European automotive suppliers for novel technologies, products or business...

On 6 December 2016, the Forum for Mobility & Society issued a set of recommendations to EU policymakers in calling for improved efforts when it comes to reaching road safety targets. The document was launched during a lunch debate on road safety in Europe.   The event...