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EU and EIB Group join forces to support up to €48 billion in R&I investment
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank Group (EIB) today launched a new generation of EU financial instruments and advisory services to help innovative firms access finance more ea...
13 June 2014 - Read more
European plant capacity usage improves, but breakeven still years away
Capacity utilization at Europe's vehicle plants should rise to 70 percent this year because of factory closures and rising sales, and may return to 80 percent as soon as 2016, say forecasters. A r...
10 June 2014 - Read more
Fiat and BMW on track to miss Europe’s 2021 CO2 target
A new report says that all of Europe’s car manufacturers are set to meet a fuel economy target of 95 grams of CO2 per km (g/km) by 2021, except for the Italian auto-maker Fiat, and Germany’s BMW....
27 May 2014 - Read more
Centre-right wins most EP seats, but anti-establishment parties score well
BRUSSELS - The centre-right European People's Party (EPP) won the most European Parliament seats, results on Sunday (26 May - 01:29 CEST) showed, but across Europe mainstream parties lost out to anti-...
26 May 2014 - Read more
European elections 2014
The first voting booths opened in the UK and the Netherlands yesterday. In the next three days 400 million Europeans will have the right to choose who will be in charge in Europe. The eighth Europ...
23 May 2014 - Read more
Commission sets out strategy to curb CO2 emissions from trucks, buses and coaches
Trucks, buses and coaches would use less fuel and emit lower amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) under a strategy adopted by the European Commission today. Such heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) are responsi...
21 May 2014 - Read more
Équipements automobile en France : activité 2013 freinée par un contexte national peu porteur
Dans un contexte de quasi stabilité de la production de véhicules légers en Europe (-0,3%) mais de baisse importante en France (-11,6%), les ventes des usines françaises d’équipements automob...
20 May 2014 - Read more
France and Sweden push to delay new lorry designs
Manufacturers would not be allowed to use new lorry designs earlier than the deadline, which would be delayed until 2025. France and Sweden are seeking to water down legislation designed to make lo...
19 May 2014 - Read more
Das ist die perfekte grüne Welle
Das Auto der Zukunft wird intelligenter. Dabei sollen ihm auch Ampeln helfen, die ihm vollautomatisch wichtige und nützliche Informationen bereitstellen. Was möglich ist, zeigt ein Forschungsproje...
16 May 2014 - Read more
Identifying the major drivers for Industrial Competitiveness on the first Day of the Informal COMPET
Identifying the major drivers for Industrial Competitiveness and addressing key challenges for the future of European Industry will be at the centre of discussions today (12.5) on the first day of the...
12 May 2014 - Read more
Recent developments in external trade relations of the EU on the agenda of the Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC – Trade)
The Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council concerning Trade is taking place in Brussels on May 8th, chaired by the Greek Deputy Minister of Development and Competitiveness, Notis Mitarachi. The Cou...
08 May 2014 - Read more
EU road safety challenges to be discussed in Athens (Zappeion, 8 May 2014)
“Current road safety challenges for smart infrastructure development” will be the focus of the ministerial debate during the informal Council of Ministers for Transport of EU and EEA member states...
08 May 2014 - Read more
China’s indigenous brand policy backfires
Even the most ardent car lovers would struggle to identify some of the vehicles built by major multinational auto companies in China. A BMW Brilliance Zinoro, an SGMW Baojun and a Dongfeng Nissan V...
05 May 2014 - Read more
SMEs and cities of the future: Informal Council for Cohesion Policy (Athens, 24-25.4.2014)
An Informal Meeting of EU Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy, is taking place in Athens, on 24-25 April, organised by the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness. The main topic on the a...
24 April 2014 - Read more
Alternative fuels: MEPs give go-ahead
The European Parliament adopts a less ambitious text than the Commission had hoped for. “I am sorry that together we did not manage to convince the Council to accept a more ambitious text...
16 April 2014 - Read more
Vice-President Kallas welcomes Parliament’s vote on 112 eCall
Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Mobility and Transport, welcomed the European Parliament's vote today on establishing emergency call response centres for the handling of 112 e...
15 April 2014 - Read more
EU-Japan Industrial Relations discussed in Tokyo
EU-Japanese industrial relations were top of the agenda at the EU Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue in Tokyo, on 9 April 2014. The EC Director General for Enterprise and Industry, Daniel Calleja met...
10 April 2014 - Read more
Electric and hybrid cars will have to generate noise to make them safer for pedestrians, especially the visually impaired, the European Parliament says.
Electric and hybrid cars will have to generate noise to make them safer for pedestrians, especially the visually impaired, the European Parliament says. MEPs agreed that in future the vehicles must...
04 April 2014 - Read more
Road safety: Second good year in a row puts Europe firmly on track towards target
2013 is the second year in a row that saw an impressive decrease in the number of people killed on Europe's roads. According to preliminary figures, the number of road fatalities has decreased by 8%...
01 April 2014 - Read more
European suppliers’ prospects helped by region’s recovery, Moody’s says
European suppliers' prospects should be boosted by a recovery in domestic demand for new cars, coupled with continued emerging market growth, Moody's credit rating agency said. Outlining its "stabl...
27 March 2014 - Read more
EU Flash News
To boost the take-up of alternative fuels in transport, EU countries will have to ensure that enough refuelling and recharging stations are available to enable cars, trucks and ships using alternative...
24 March 2014 - Read more
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