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FT Digital Future of the Car Week: President Thorsten Muschal gives insights on resilience after the crisis
In the context of a critical moment for the automotive industry, the Financial Times organised a series of online sessions with influential figures in the sector from the 7th to the 9th of July. On...
08 July 2020 - Read more
Automotive sector responds to the Commission’s Communication on the EU Skills Agenda
The associations representing the automotive equipment and tyre suppliers, vehicle manufacturers and dealers and workshops (ACEA, CECRA, CLEPA, ETRMA) have come together in May 2020 to list 25 Actions...
08 July 2020 - Read more
EC: Batteries experts identify short-term research & innovation priorities
The Batteries Europe Technology & Innovation Platform has this week published its vision on short-term research and innovation priorities for the European battery sector. The 200-page document is...
08 July 2020 - Read more
EC: Road safety measures in the COVID transitional era
The COVID crisis had an unprecedented impact on transport and mobility of European citizens, bringing travel largely to a standstill for several weeks. Even though it was not the moment to stress road...
02 July 2020 - Read more
The CCAM Partnership submits SRIA (Strategic Research Innovation Agenda) to the European Commission
The Partnership for CCAM (Cooperative, Connected, Automated and Autonomous Mobility) is a potential co-programmed European Partnership under the forthcoming Horizon Europe (HEU) R&I programme....
01 July 2020 - Read more
EC: European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
Today the Commission presents the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience. It sets ambitious, quantitative objectives for upskilling (improving existin...
01 July 2020 - Read more
EC: Study on retrofit technologies’ potential to reduce emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles
The European Commission is asking retrofit emission control (REC) systems providers to participate in this study on potential emission reduction through retrofitting of existing passenger cars and van...
29 June 2020 - Read more
Joint Industry Letter: Five Principles for a European Hydrogen Strategy that delivers
June 26, 2020   Five Principles for a European Hydrogen Strategy that delivers Dear Executive Vice-President Timmermans, Dear Commissioner Breton, Dear Commissioner Simson, Dear Commissio...
26 June 2020 - Read more
Eurostat: Sustainable development in the EU — Monitoring report on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable development is firmly anchored in the European Treaties and has been at the heart of European policy for a long time. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Dev...
22 June 2020 - Read more
Press statements by National Automotive Industry Associations on Covid-19
ACS (Slovenia) 18/05: Critical situation in the Slovenian automotive industry and urgently needed measures The automotive industry, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ex...
22 June 2020 - Read more
Automotive sector appeals to EU heads of state and government on coronavirus recovery plans
CLEPA, ACEA and CECRA – together representing the full automotive value chain in Europe – wrote a letter to the heads of state and government of the 27 EU member states, calling for urgent support...
18 June 2020 - Read more
Call for a resilient automotive aftermarket ensuring sustainable European mobility
Several associations representing different sectors of the automotive servicing and mobility value chain, which brings together more than 500.000 SMEs and 4,3 million jobs, as well as the umbrella ass...
17 June 2020 - Read more
European Commission reviews trade policy and investment screening tools with two consultations in September
The European Commission is reviewing how trade could contribute to the economic recovery, but its second aim is to establish a model of open strategic autonomy may open the door to protectionist tende...
16 June 2020 - Read more
TRA2020: Joint publication gathers proceedings of the conference
After the TRA2020 physical conference--planned to be held on 27-30 April in Helsinki-- was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 8th Transport Research Arena has put together the proceedings of...
13 June 2020 - Read more
EC: Progress towards vision zero remains slow
Compared to previous years, fewer people lost their lives on EU roads in 2019, according to preliminary figures published today by the European Commission. An estimated 22 800 people died in a road cr...
11 June 2020 - Read more
Realities on the ground are about survival; stakes very high – CLEPA Newsletter Editorial June 2020
An impressive number of members joined us--on-line--for the CLEPA General Assembly last week and a large part of the agenda was allocated to the fall-out of the Covid-19 crisis. What did we learn? The...
10 June 2020 - Read more
EUROBAT launches the “Battery Innovation Roadmap 2030”
At a webinar on 5 June, EUROBAT launched its “Battery Innovation Roadmap 2030”, featuring Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and MEP Claudia Gamon, alongside EURO...
10 June 2020 - Read more
Questionnaire: Impacts from the REACH 2018 registration deadline on economic operators
According to the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation, all manufacturers and importers of chemical substances in the European Union (EU) had to submi...
10 June 2020 - Read more
CLEPA is collecting feedback to develop the CCAM SRIA (Strategic Research Innovation Agenda)
  Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) is expected to reshape mobility in Europe and globally. The goal is to create more user-centred, all-inclusive mobility, while increasing...
10 June 2020 - Read more
CLEPA feedback on the EC roadmap for the “EU Hydrogen Strategy”
The Association of the Automotive Suppliers’ industry in Europe has provided feedback on the roadmap for an EU Climate Law.   CLEPA represents over 3.000 companies supplying state-of-the-...
08 June 2020 - Read more
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2020: application deadline extended until the 10th of July
Taking into consideration the extraordinary circumstances in which we are living, CLEPA is extending the deadline for applications for the CLEPA Innovation Awards 2020 to allow more companies to submi...
08 June 2020 - Read more
EC R&I Performance report: Enabling Europe to lead the green and digital
The Commission released today its latest report on the EU's Science, Research and Innovation Performance, through which it analyses how Europe performs in the global context. It highlights the need fo...
08 June 2020 - Read more
EC: Feedback is open for roadmap to modernise the EU’s batteries legislation
EU law aims to minimise batteries’ harmful effects on the environment. The rules cover their full life cycle, from design & production to reuse & recycling.   In line with t...
08 June 2020 - Read more
EC: EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 (22-26 June)
The European Union’s yearly Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will be a digital event this year and takes place on 22-26 June. Its theme will be “Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery a...
08 June 2020 - Read more
Germany EU Council presidency, set to start 1st July 2020
On 1 July, Germany will assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union – for the 13th time. Germany last held the EU Council Presidency during the first half of 2007. Germany has alre...
08 June 2020 - Read more
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