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Joint statement on the proposed regulation prohibiting products made with forced labour
CLEPA, together with 7 other associations have signed a statement on the proposed regulation prohibiting products made with forced labour in the Single Market. The organisations condemn the use of for...
29 February 2024 - Read more
CLEPA welcomes European Parliament’s adoption of standard essential patents regulation
The European Parliament voted today in Plenary on its position regarding the standard essential patents (SEP) regulation. This vote marks a significant step forward towards providing fair conditions f...
28 February 2024 - Read more
Vehicle recyclers and manufacturers raise concerns over counterproductive ELV dismantling requirements
The EU is proposing to expand dismantling obligations under the End-of-life Vehicles Regulation (ELVR). Representing vehicle recyclers, manufacturers and automotive suppliers, the European Recycling...
14 February 2024 - Read more
European business calls for deepening the EU Single Market and renewing the dynamic of European integration
In a joint statement with 26 organisation, CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, has emphasised the urgent need for revitalising the European Union's Single Market to address the...
13 February 2024 - Read more
New publication: CLEPA position paper on Weights and Dimensions
The European Commission's Weights and Dimensions Directive stands amongst a group of legislative proposals crucial for steering the transition towards a more sustainable and safer transport system. Ah...
13 February 2024 - Read more
CLEPA underscores importance for a technology-open approach in discussion on EU CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles  
Brussels, 8 February 2024 – Ahead of further discussion amongst member states in the Coreper on new CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), CLEPA reinforces its commitment to a techno...
08 February 2024 - Read more
Net-Zero Industry Act is first step, but EU industrial strategy will need to foster innovation across technologies
Yesterday during trialogues, Member States within the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). While expediting permitting procedures for critical...
07 February 2024 - Read more
Outlook 2024 | Editorial by CLEPA President Matthias Zink
Ladies and gentlemen,   It is my pleasure to address you in my first editorial as the new President of CLEPA. I hope you all had a good start into the new year and that this finds you in good...
25 January 2024 - Read more
CLEPA DATA DIGEST #12 – Green mobility transition will require significant increase in investment and innovation
Edition #12 – DATA DIGEST is CLEPA’s monthly publication shedding light on the health and resilience of the European automotive supply industry through latest facts and figures Green mobility tra...
25 January 2024 - Read more
BATT4EU funding at risk amid budget cut from the European Commission
The Commission has announced a budget cut of €100 million for the BATT4EU Partnership, part of Horizon Europe, focused on the advancement of the EU’s battery supply chain. The European battery...
22 January 2024 - Read more
Europe’s Consumers, Independent Automotive Service and Mobility Providers rally for urgent Commission action on vehicle data legislation
Europe’s independent service providers and consumers reiterate the significant potential for safer, smarter and more affordable mobility that is being sacrificed due to the lack of regulated a...
19 January 2024 - Read more
Substantial additional investments will be needed to reach ambitious CO2 standards for trucks
Brussels, 18 January 2024 – The European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have reached an agreement on the CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles t...
18 January 2024 - Read more
EU industry coalition calls for conclusion of negotiations on EU-Mercosur free trade agreement
In a joint statement, CLEPA and 22 stakeholders are calling the EU and Mercosur leaders to expedite the finalisation of trade negotiations on outstanding issues, emphasising the critical importance of...
15 January 2024 - Read more
Matthias Zink, CEO Automotive Technologies at Schaeffler, to serve as new CLEPA President
Brussels, 9 January 2024 CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, has elected Matthias Zink as its new President for a two-year term starting in January 2024. Mr Zink is CEO Aut...
08 January 2024 - Read more
Editorial: The shifting automotive arena and its impact on Europe
News coming from the auto industry is mixed as the year draws to a close. Revenues and profitability are improving*, but employment and investments in the EU fall behind expectations at a time where...
20 December 2023 - Read more
Mobility service providers’ group calls for urgent adoption of access to in-vehicle data legislation
The Commission has delayed the publication of a long-promised sectoral legislation proposal This legislation is crucial for innovation and competition in data-driven mobility sectors as well...
19 December 2023 - Read more
Trilogue on Euro 7 concluded: New pollutant standards make only marginal steps forward
Brussels, 18 December 2023 – The European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have reached an agreement in Trilogue on Euro 7 air pollutant emission standards t...
18 December 2023 - Read more
FAAS officially established as an association and held its inaugural Sustainability Day
Forum On Automotive Aftermarket Sustainability (FAAS) recently concluded its General Assembly and hosted the first-ever FAAS Sustainability Day during the Futurmotive trade show in Bologna.FAAS Gene...
11 December 2023 - Read more
CLEPA takes part in two new EU-funded projects: GIANTS and EFFEREST
CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, is excited to announce its participation in two new EU-funded projects, GIANTS and EFFEREST, set to commence in January 2024 under the Horizon...
29 November 2023 - Read more
Press Release: Parliament votes in favour of tech diversity in HDV CO2; Trilogue negotiations should stay the course
Brussels, 22 November 2023 – The European Parliament voted on its position regarding the CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). The Parliament maintains the CO2 emission reduction ta...
22 November 2023 - Read more
CLEPA welcomes the ECJ’s guidance on interpreting existing RMI legislation
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has taken a significant step towards fostering competition in the vehicle repair market with its recent rulings on the secure access procedures for vehicle diagnost...
16 November 2023 - Read more
Euro 7: Trilogues ahead
Brussels, 9 November 2023 – The European Parliament endorsed its position on the Euro 7 air pollutant emission standards. Both Parliament and Council dialled back the level of ambition of the propos...
09 November 2023 - Read more
Automotive suppliers are slightly more profitable, but necessary investments still at risk
Brussels, 7 November – CLEPA and McKinsey & Company present the latest insights into the automotive supply industry’s health and sentiment through its bi-annual survey. Based on >150 respon...
07 November 2023 - Read more
Joint call for regulatory action on access to in-vehicle data
In a joint statement, CLEPA and other stakeholders are calling for immediate regulatory action to unlock the European automotive data ecosystem, fostering competition, innovation, consumer choice, and...
06 November 2023 - Read more
Industry is investing in green innovation, but sustaining such investments is not going to be easy | Newsletter Editorial October 2023
European automotive suppliers are making their supply chains more sustainable, but they face the challenge of financing these efforts from existing operations and industry sentiment is not very opti...
30 October 2023 - Read more
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