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Media outlets all over Europe reported on Transition Impact Study
The new Transition Impact Study, conducted by PwC Strategy&, weighs different market scenarios to assess powertrain employment and value-add impact of electrification across the EU and in seven...
08 December 2021 - Read more
Clarification of EU sustainable finance taxonomy regulation should avoid distortion of level playing field in automotive manufacturing
EU policy makers are redefining what it means for companies to run a business with a series of legislative initiatives related to corporate sustainability. Among the latest initiatives, the EU sustai...
08 December 2021 - Read more
An Electric Vehicle-only approach would lead to the loss of half a million jobs in the EU, study finds
● Transition assessment confirms the essential role for electrification in reaching objectives of the Paris Agreement, but substantiates powertrain employment risks ● 226,000 new jobs foreseen...
06 December 2021 - Read more
Circular economy and sustainability are reshaping the automotive aftermarket
Remanufactured automotive spare parts contribute substantially to the EU’s circular economy targets and in 2020 have saved annual emissions equal to those emitted by 120,000 EU citizens.  ...
25 November 2021 - Read more
COP26 has given important guidance in both substance and tone – Newsletter Editorial November 2021
This year's COP26 has just ended, and on a fairly upbeat note. The conference concluded with an agreement between 197 countries to limit GHG emissions even further, validating the objectives already e...
18 November 2021 - Read more
New study results coming soon!
CLEPA commissioned PwC Strategy& to assess the impacts of the mobility transition on the workforce of the automotive suppliers in Europe, and we are launching the key findings on 6 December on our...
18 November 2021 - Read more
ARCADE Project launched questionnaire to gather views on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) is the one-stop shop for data, knowledge and experiences on CAD in Europe and beyond.  Developed as part of the Horizon 2020 project...
16 November 2021 - Read more
Week filled with road safety initiatives ahead of World Remembrance Day 2021
Road safety will be the focus of the week from 15 to 21 November with many different and important initiatives leading up to the World Day of Remembrance.  Starting the round, the Global Alliance...
15 November 2021 - Read more
EU Commissioner for Transport expresses support for eFuels
Vehicles are climate neutral when charged with green energy or fuelled with sustainable renewable fuels. EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean expressed her support for this approach and the wider s...
12 November 2021 - Read more
EV-only declaration lacks international support at COP26
With the aim of reaching as many signatories as possible from governments, cities, automotive manufacturers, business fleet owners and operators, as well as financial institutions, the Glasgow's d...
11 November 2021 - Read more
Automotive Skills Alliance and the Pact for Skills – Celebrating 1 year of supporting workforce transformation in the automotive ecosystem
Eighty partners across Europe, three pilot projects already up and running in France, Germany and the Czech Republic and many more initiatives underway are only some of the accomplishments achieved...
11 November 2021 - Read more
EU and US agree to launch a Global Arrangement of Sustainable Steel and Aluminium
European Commission President von der Leyen and United States President Biden have agreed to start discussions on a Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium to achieve the decarboni...
02 November 2021 - Read more
Joint Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) launched to support sustainability performance of companies
The German Automotive Industry association (VDA) has launched the joint Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) together with 14 other founding members. The aim is to support all players in the aut...
29 October 2021 - Read more
UN launches Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
The World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 in Geneva, with the ambitious target of preventing at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 203...
28 October 2021 - Read more
CLEPA Innovation Awards – showcasing the future of mobility
Continental, FLEX, GKN and ZF won the 2021 edition in four different categories by providing concrete solutions for tomorrow's automotive needs Self-driving shuttles, an e-Drive system for Plug-in...
27 October 2021 - Read more
Supply chain disruptions clearly perceived as largest risk factor for automotive supply industry, CLEPA Pulse Check shows
• Sentiment on industry outlook has improved since COVID-19 but significant concerns remain • Majority of suppliers noted the instability of supply chain as the major risk factor for the indust...
24 October 2021 - Read more
Joint call for action against the critical shortage in the supply of magnesium
Cross-industry group of European metals-producing and -using industries and their workers warn against catastrophic impact of Chinese magnesium supply shortageEurope’s industry associations European...
22 October 2021 - Read more
DRIVES Project and Learning Platform: Last free online courses and workshops available before the end of the project
The last training courses provided by the DRIVES Learning Platform are available in October, November, and December, before the end of the DRIVES project in December 2021. The training materials res...
21 October 2021 - Read more
The Automotive Skills Alliance invited to speak on the role of local actors during the European Week of Regions
The Pact for Skills fosters collaboration between those tackling the challenges posed by the green and digital transitions, and also aims to contribute to the overall development of territor...
20 October 2021 - Read more
European Commission 2022 Work Programme: Making Europe stronger together
On 19 October the Commission adopted its 2022 Work Programme, setting out the next steps in its bold and transformative agenda towards a post-COVID-19 Europe that is greener, fairer, more digital an...
20 October 2021 - Read more
European Commission: European Green Deal call hits the ground running
On Wednesday 27 October, the European Commission is organising a kick-off event to celebrate the projects selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call. This €1 billion call...
19 October 2021 - Read more
ITS World Congress: Defining access to data rules is the first challenge to develop autonomous driving
Opportunities, challenges, but also problems concerning the future of mobility were discussed by industry, academia and institutions at the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) World Congress, held in...
16 October 2021 - Read more
European Commission: First #NextGenerationEU green bond to finance the sustainable recovery
The European Commission has today issued the first NextGenerationEU green bond, thus raising €12 billion to be used exclusively for green and sustainable investments across the EU.   With NextGe...
12 October 2021 - Read more
Autology PODCAST: Chain reaction – Is e-mobility threatening auto suppliers?
Social disruption due to a badly managed energy transition could severely undermine the ability of the Green Deal to succeed.   Reaching climate neutrality in 2050 requires ambitious emissions red...
08 October 2021 - Read more
German suppliers (ARGEZ) warn: Semiconductor shortage threatens our industry, communication and collaboration are needed
 The crisis due to the shortage of semiconductors is putting increasing pressure on the automotive supplier industry. The warning call comes from ARGEZ, the association representing German automoti...
06 October 2021 - Read more
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