Autology PODCAST: Chain reaction – Is e-mobility threatening auto suppliers?
Social disruption due to a badly managed energy transition could severely undermine the ability of the Green Deal to succeed.
Reaching climate neutrality in 2050 requires ambitious emissions reductions. This is an unprecedented transformation for the automotive industry and its supply chain, and one that will have a major impact not only on jobs, but also on consumer choice, affordability, and EU competitiveness.
With the aim to provide a deeper understanding of various societal and economic aspects that will be impacted by an EV-only approach, Principal Lead Elisha Thakorlal held a conversational session with experts in the field including Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA and Matteo Fini, Vice President of Automotive SCT and Aftermarket at IHS Markit. You can listen to the Autology Podcast here:
In: CLEPA News, Environment & Energy