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European Parliament misses opportunity to recognise crucial net-zero technologies for a competitive EU manufacturing base
The European Parliament’s Industry Committee (ITRE) adopted today the negotiating report for the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), paving the way for a plenary vote in the week of 20-23 November. CLE...
25 October 2023 - Read more
Heavy-duty vehicles urgently require regulatory update that boosts their data market potential 
CLEPA, together with other independent service providers, has published a position paper calling for a revision of the Type approval regulation that maximises the potential of the data market for heav...
24 October 2023 - Read more
Environment Committee votes to limit technology diversity in decarbonising the heavy-duty transport sector
Today policy makers in the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee voted on a revised regulation for CO2 emission standards aimed at transforming the heavy-...
24 October 2023 - Read more
Press Release: CLEPA unveils 12 Top Innovators leading the Digital and Green transition in the automotive supply industry
The Innovation Awards took place in Brussels on 18 October with a ceremony celebrating the innovative excellence and pioneering technologies in the automotive supply industry Recognising twel...
19 October 2023 - Read more
EU’s twin Green and Digital transition at the centre of CLEPA Innovation Awards Ceremony 2023
The 2023 CLEPA Innovation Awards are set to take place in Brussels on 18 October, in a special ceremony aimed at celebrating innovative excellence and pioneering technologies by automotive suppliers...
17 October 2023 - Read more
Environment Committee rejects improved pollutant emission standards
Brussels, 12 October – In a parallel move to the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament’s Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has voted today, weakening...
12 October 2023 - Read more
Joint statement for accuracy in consideration of alternative fuels in Europe’s CO2 standards for trucks and buses
CLEPA and 12 other organisations representing the collaborative voice of the transport, fuel manufacturing, engineering, and energy sectors, have signed a statement responding to the recently publishe...
05 October 2023 - Read more
Joint statement on the importance of fluoropolymers for the clean energy transition and the EU’s Net Zero Industry
The automotive industry is an important downstream user of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), including fluoropolymers, fluorinated gases, and short-chain PFAS. Fluoropolymers are used for se...
04 October 2023 - Read more
Futurmotive – Expo & Talks and FAAS to launch first FAAS Sustainability Day in Bologna
The Forum on Automotive Aftermarket Sustainability chose Bologna Exhibition Centre for its inaugural Sustainability Day, on November 17th. Sustainability will be front and centre this year in Bolog...
04 October 2023 - Read more
Member states reject stricter vehicle pollutant standards
In the next decade, an estimated 100 million conventionally powered vehicles will be sold in the EU The Commission’s proposal could be effectively implemented with a few prudent safeguards...
26 September 2023 - Read more
Call for better CO2 regulation to safeguard the good functioning of mobility networks and logistics chains
Representing the automotive supply and road transport sectors, CLEPA and IRU have addressed a letter to Members of the European Parliament calling for their support in preserving essential technology...
14 September 2023 - Read more
European automotive suppliers call on EU institutions to prioritise the adoption of the Critical Raw Materials Act and expedite trilogue negotiations
Electric vehicles contain over 200 kilograms of minerals versus around 40 kilograms in a conventional car Current investments in raw material extraction and processing are insufficient to mee...
12 September 2023 - Read more
Joint call to stimulate the European automotive industry’s transformation and enhance competitiveness
Open letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen Dear President, The signatories of this open letter support the European Commission’s renewed focus on a competiti...
06 September 2023 - Read more
Nils Poel becomes CLEPA’s Head of Market Affairs
  Nils Poel has over 10 years of experience at the nexus of policy and industry, working as a market analyst in management consulting and strategic communications, and as part of the CLEPA t...
01 September 2023 - Read more
Automotive and battery manufacturing coalition signs joint letter of concern on Carbon Footprint Rules for Electric Vehicle Batteries
The EU JRC (Joint Research Centre) has recently issued a final draft of the “Rules for the calculation of the Carbon Footprint of Electric Vehicle Batteries (CFB-EV)”, entering a phase of consulta...
27 July 2023 - Read more
CLEPA 2023 General Assembly elects new leadership
In the context of its General Assembly, CLEPA, the European association of automotive suppliers, approved its membership composition, annual accounts and its new statutes. CLEPA members elected Mr Mat...
27 July 2023 - Read more
Forum on Automotive Aftermarket Sustainability to officially establish as new European association
Leading players in the aftermarket sector consolidate efforts to drive innovative sustainability solutions and best practices through new EU association Official presentation to take place du...
14 July 2023 - Read more
EU industry coalition calls for a swift ratification of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement
CLEPA, together with 18 other European business associations, representing different industrial sectors responsible for millions of jobs, are calling on the European Union to ensure the swift ratifica...
05 July 2023 - Read more
Advancing EU leadership towards climate-neutral mobility: New position paper on CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles
• CLEPA supports the revision of CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles as part of the EU’s objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050 • Technology diversity is essential for operato...
29 June 2023 - Read more
EU co-legislators reach agreement on the Data Act – a sector-specific legislation must now quickly follow
The Data Act agreement in trilogue is expected to allow third-parties to provide innovative services to the end user, but will need a complementary regulation that addresses the complexities o...
29 June 2023 - Read more
CS3D: Stakes are high as legal framework for sustainability due diligence enters last phase of political negotiations
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive should not undermine EU's integration in global value chains  The European Parliament agreed on its final negotiating mandate earlier this mo...
28 June 2023 - Read more
Commission takes a step in the recognition of automotive suppliers’ contribution to sustainable economy 
Climate Delegated Act incorporates the production of powertrain components including e-motors, power electronics, thermal management and braking systems in its definition of sustainable economic...
14 June 2023 - Read more
CLEPA endorses Euro 7 as key regulation for future air quality standards
Automotive suppliers support the further development of the type approval rules with the introduction of Euro 7, driven by a commitment to sustainable mobility, improved air quality and public h...
05 June 2023 - Read more
CLEPA & business stakeholders call for a balanced Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive that safeguards EU competitiveness
Along with 35 European organisations, CLEPA has signed a Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). In our statement we remain supportive of the objective...
26 May 2023 - Read more
CLEPA’s Materials Regulations and Sustainability event unites stakeholders to drive sustainability in the automotive supply industry
Brussels, 26 May 2023 – CLEPA, the European association representing the automotive supply industry, successfully concluded its 15th edition of the Materials Regulations and Sustainability event...
26 May 2023 - Read more
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