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Clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles
The EESC endorses the rationale for the Clean Vehicles Directive – as part of the Clean Mobility Package – although it will have only a small impact compared to the general efforts needed to achie...
08 May 2018 - Read more
Proposal for a Regulation complementing EU type approval legislation with regard to UK withdrawal from the EU  
The European legislation foresees that a type-approval needs to be issued for the placing on the market of vehicles, systems, components and separate technical units as provided in   Dire...
08 May 2018 - Read more
The European Commission has launched a call for experts for a group on liability and new technologies
The European Commission launched a call for experts for an  Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies. The Expert Group will work in two formations: a Product Liability Directive formation manag...
07 May 2018 - Read more
European Commission set to announce major new road safety package
  The European Commission will announce a major package of road safety legislation next month including new vehicle safety standards, revised rules on infrastructure safety management, a strat...
02 May 2018 - Read more
#EUGoesDriverless Newsletter 5th Issue
The Connected and Automated Driving in Europe Initiative has published the 5th issue of the #EUGoesDriverless newsletter. One of the goals of CARTRE and SCOUT projects is to inform policy makers on t...
27 April 2018 - Read more
New CO2 legislation for cars: Polish automotive suppliers highlight strong industrial footprint in pursuit of decarbonising road transport
The presentation: CO2 Bruksela 24_04_2018 SDCM_ENG   Technology neutrality key to sustain economic fabric of Poland and Europe Global competitiveness depends on technology leadership...
24 April 2018 - Read more
TEN-T Days 2018: Connecting Europe with investment in innovative mobility solutions
  From 25 – 27 April 2018 26 Ministers, 17 of which are from European Union Member States, and over 2,000 transport experts and decision-makers will join the TEN-T Days 2018 in Ljubljana, Sl...
24 April 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Materials Regulation Event 2018: global cooperation along the whole supply chain is crucial
On April 18 and 19, CLEPA organised in Stuttgart, the 11th edition of its yearly “Materials Regulation Event”. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers hosted more than 230 high-level...
24 April 2018 - Read more
Vavassori: “Use all available technology to decarbonise the planet”
Technology neutrality key theme at CLEPA Policy Debate and Annual Reception 2018 Panel debate participants, from left to right; Rebeca Harms-MEP, Artur Runge-Metzger-European Commission, Brian Magu...
12 April 2018 - Read more
Being agnostic about technology
Sustainable, safe and smart mobility: this is, in short, the aspiration of the automotive supply industry and therefore also the motto of the CLEPA Policy Conference and Annual Reception on 11 April i...
10 April 2018 - Read more
FISITA and CLEPA join up as Strategic Partners
  FISITA, the international membership organisation for the automotive and mobility systems engineering profession, and CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers have entered int...
10 April 2018 - Read more
EU countries to commit to doing more together on the digital front
Tomorrow the Commission will bring ministers, representatives of EU countries, industry, academia and civil society representatives together to encourage cooperation in artificial intelligence, blockc...
10 April 2018 - Read more
UN Road Safety Fund
The proposed UN Road Safety Fund will aim at bridging the gaps in the mobilization of adequate resources to fund road safety projects at local, national and global levels. The total additional grant f...
10 April 2018 - Read more
Telematics technology steering us towards smarter EU roads
If we are to have truly smart cities our transport systems will have to be more cost-effective, safer and sustainable. Perhaps most of all they will need to be more integrated, as the EU-funded projec...
10 April 2018 - Read more
Smarter roads for smarter mobility
As transport technology progresses at breath-taking speed we tend to focus on how advanced and intelligent vehicles are getting.  However, of equal importance is the infrastructure that they travel o...
09 April 2018 - Read more
New materials and apps tackle air pollution from braking cars
Tackling emissions from vehicle exhausts to reduce air pollution is a well-known challenge, but vehicles also emit non-exhaust emissions caused by wear and tear on brakes, tyres and roads. EU scientis...
09 April 2018 - Read more
Green light for on-road testing of car exhaust particles
  Reducing the emissions of internal combustion engines requires not only establishing ambitious targets as a key technology driver, but also developing solutions that can exceed those goals....
09 April 2018 - Read more
Setting emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles
Please click here in order to access EP ITRE's Draft Opinion by Jakop Dalunde (Greens/EFA, SE) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting emission performan...
09 April 2018 - Read more
Smarter roads for smarter mobility
As transport technology progresses at breath-taking speed we tend to focus on how advanced and intelligent vehicles are getting.  However, of equal importance is the infrastructure that they travel o...
09 April 2018 - Read more
Indicators for an ambitious EU industrial strategy
The aim of this Joint Paper is to propose a short list of indicators that can be used to both assess the health of the European industry and monitor the progress made by the EU on the implementation o...
09 April 2018 - Read more
Setting emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles
Please click here in order to access EP TRAN's Draft Opinion by Christine Revault d'Allonnes Bonnefoy (S&D, FR) on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setti...
09 April 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2018: application deadline extended till April 13th, 2019
In order to allow more companies register for the 3rd consecutive “CLEPA Innovations Awards” competition, the association has decided to extend the application deadline with two weeks, from Ma...
29 March 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Aftermarket Conference 2018: connectivity and changes in vehicle ownership shake up the value chain
Around 300 participants gathered at Europe’s biggest aftermarket event. Connectivity and new vehicle ownership models definitely have the potential of disrupting the traditional value chain a...
26 March 2018 - Read more
G7 Global Automotive suppliers discuss the importance of supporting a global automotive value chain
Geneva, 16th March 2018   Cooperation among key regions is fundamental to strengthen global competitiveness of the automotive supply industry   Representatives of the 7 leading automot...
16 March 2018 - Read more
CLEPA: Trade restrictions impact jobs and wealth on both ends
In the context of potential trade restrictions on steel and aluminium imposed by the US, CLEPA, the European association of the automotive supplier industry supports the European Commission’s contin...
08 March 2018 - Read more
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