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CLEPA discussed access to in-vehicle data at High-Level Meeting on Connected and Automated Driving
As of 2022, there are approximately 52 million connected vehicles in Europe. Looking at the overall potential of data monetisation in the mobility ecosystem, the French Presidency of the Council org...
17 February 2022 - Read more
CLEPA among the signatories of the joint declaration to foster cooperation between African and European automotive associations
Industrial cooperation between Europe and Africa in the mobility sector is strengthened. African and European automotive associations taking part at this year’s EU-Africa Business Forum have virtual...
17 February 2022 - Read more
Fit for 55 | After the summer enthusiasm, prudence seems to be gaining ground – Newsletter Editorial February 2022
Something seems to have shifted in the past few months. The enthusiasm triggered last summer by the European Commission’s ‘Fit for 55’ proposal on CO2 standards has been somewhat replaced by p...
16 February 2022 - Read more
Automotive Skills Alliance kicks off 2022 with the launch of a new publication and a fruitful stakeholder meeting
The Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) started the new year by launching the first edition of the ASA Newsflash, the partners' online publication containing information and insights on upskilling and re...
11 February 2022 - Read more
European Commission’s Industrial R&D Scoreboard ranks automotive as top sector investing in innovation 
 The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has recently released the 2021 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. This yearly publication looks at the 2,500 companies investing the large...
09 February 2022 - Read more
UN to strengthen and extend use of Advanced Emergency Braking System for trucks and coaches  
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has recently announced that the revision of the Regulation 131 on the use of Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for trucks and coaches...
08 February 2022 - Read more
European Commission to launch first EU type-approval regulation for the safety assessment of Automated Vehicles
The ad-hoc group on “automated and connected vehicles” of the European Commission is finalising the first type-approval regulation for the safety assessment of Automated Vehicles that will allow m...
06 February 2022 - Read more
EU ENSEMBLE Project comes to an end with a final event on 17 March  
The ENSEMBLE Project is part of the European Commission’s Horizon2020 programme. Established in 2018, the main goal of this EU-funded project has been paving the way towards the implementation of mu...
02 February 2022 - Read more
Global production shortfall of nearly 10 million vehicles in 2021 highlights urgent need for EU Chips Act
Speed is of essence for an EU comprehensive semiconductor investment plan, as other regions move ahead.  CLEPA publishes a policy guide with concrete actions to ensure the success of the...
02 February 2022 - Read more
CLEPA Sector Paper – Keys to a successful implementation of the EU’s sustainable financial taxonomy
Executive Summary The EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy is intended to direct financing to sustainable activities. The delegated act on sustainable activities for climate change adaptation and mitiga...
27 January 2022 - Read more
Vehicle emission targets will set the future course of the mobility transition
The Green Deal will continue to dominate the legislative agenda, as policymakers search for the majorities needed to turn last year’s proposals into law. The transition towards carbon-neutrality...
27 January 2022 - Read more
The Transformation Continues | A Look Ahead to 2022 – January’s Editorial by CLEPA President
In many ways, this New Year will set the tone for the global economy “post-COVID”. We are seeing significant changes as we transition away from our dependency on fossil fuels, deal with the long...
26 January 2022 - Read more
Joint Industry Position Paper on the Batteries Regulation
The industrial associations covering different aspects of the battery value chain, from raw materials supply to battery manufacturing, users of batteries, and recyclers express their concern about key...
25 January 2022 - Read more
EV Transition Impact Assessment: 5 key questions answered
CLEPA and its members fully support the energy transition and the EU’s climate objectives. As key innovators, designing and manufacturing all of the systems and components needed for safe, smart and...
20 January 2022 - Read more
#GreenANDJust: An effective mobility transition should be about emissions reductions and the social dimension, not a technology ban
Representatives from the European Commission, Council, the mobility industry and academia analysed the challenges and opportunities of the green and just mobility transition  A recent...
12 January 2022 - Read more
French EU Council Presidency programme puts the spotlight on digitalisation and smart mobility
For the next six months, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be held by France, which took office on 1 January. The Hexagon succeeds Slovenia and will lead the new trio of preside...
03 January 2022 - Read more
Technology is not the enemy, but rather fossil fuels – Newsletter Editorial December 2021
A successful transformation starts with knowing the stakes. A new study, commissioned by CLEPA, provides compelling insights Reaching climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 requires ambitious greenh...
16 December 2021 - Read more
Latest EU road safety figures reflect a 17% decrease in road fatalities between 2019 and 2020
The European Commission has published the consolidated data on road fatalities for 2020.   These figures show an unprecedented annual fall of 17% in the number of road fatalities in the EU...
16 December 2021 - Read more
European Commission revises Intelligent Transport Systems Directive to advance smart mobility
The European Commission is proposing to update the 2010 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive, adapting to the emergence of new road mobility options, mobility apps and connected and automa...
15 December 2021 - Read more
European Commission publishes new Urban Mobility Framework
To support the transition to cleaner, greener, and smarter mobility, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, the European Commission adopted on 14 December four new proposals to moder...
14 December 2021 - Read more
National Associations of automotive suppliers amplify call for a manageable transition
National associations join CLEPA in calling for a technology open and job-conscious transition. Following the study's launch – carried out by PwC Strategy& to assess the impact of three diffe...
12 December 2021 - Read more
EU publishes regulatory specifications for Intelligent Speed Assistance technology  
The European Union has officially published the world's first regulatory standard for Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology. ISA is an advanced safety feature that warns the driver when the...
10 December 2021 - Read more
Coalition warns removal of US tariffs for steel aluminium could impact EU supply chain
As a result of the latest EU-US negotiations on trade on steel and aluminium, the United States has announced that it will no longer apply the Section 232 tariffs on a certain amount of EU exports of...
09 December 2021 - Read more
EU Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Partnership adopts Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The second meeting of the Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) Partnership Board—composed by the CCAM Executive Group, the CCAM Partnership Delegation, and European Commission repres...
09 December 2021 - Read more
Newly launched Just Transition Coalition calls for a framework to prioritise 16 million mobility workers in the EU
Trade unions, industry associations representing the entire automotive ecosystem, and environmental NGOs gathered to form the Just Transition Coalition, calling for a common framework to protec...
08 December 2021 - Read more
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