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CLEPA joins downstream industries in call to withdraw steel safeguards
Automotive suppliers source most of their steel within the EU and predominantly import specialised steel for which no sufficient European capacity is available. The European Commission imposed definit...
04 May 2022 - Read more
Statement by CLEPA Secretary General, Sigrid de Vries, on the TRAN Committee vote regarding CO2 standards for cars and vans
Brussels, 28 April – Today the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) voted on amendments to the proposed CO2 standards for new passenger cars and light-duty commercial ve...
28 April 2022 - Read more
Adoption of EU Chips Act by early 2023 uncertain, as Parliament and Council start their work 
The European Parliament and Member States have started the political review of the proposed EU Chips Act regulation, which provides a framework for investments by Member States in chip manufacturing,...
28 April 2022 - Read more
Putting people at the centre of the mobility transition is essential to achieving the Green Deal – Newsletter Editorial April 2022
The mobility transition, which is unprecedented and already upon us, will have a tremendous impact on both jobs and consumers. The way in which we move people and goods will require a decisive shift t...
27 April 2022 - Read more
AFIR: Industry organisations warn about lack of ambition for hydrogen refuelling stations
CLEPA has joined a cross-industry coalition raising concerns regarding the discussions in the Council of the European Union on the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure targets under article 6 of the Alt...
27 April 2022 - Read more
Automotive sector organisations launch joint vision for the transition pathway of the mobility ecosystem
Employees and consumers should be at the heart of the transformation of the automotive sector In January 2022, the European Commission published its vision for the transition of the mobility ecosys...
26 April 2022 - Read more
UN launches series of workshops to set the ground for automotive AI definitions
Looking at the high potential of new technology trends, the UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) declared artificial intelligence (AI) as an essential topic in the advanc...
25 April 2022 - Read more
Green NCAP releases its first life-cycle assessment results to better understand the overall carbon footprint of vehicles
Green NCAP — an independent initiative which promotes the development of cars which are clean, energy efficient and not harmful to the environment — announced its first Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)...
22 April 2022 - Read more
The European Parliament’s ITRE Committee sends an important signal of technology openness
Adjusting the target to 90% allows for the further use of all technologies needed to better manage the transition to climate neutrality, including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles CLEPA suppo...
20 April 2022 - Read more
EU adopts standards for safe and secure parking areas for lorry drivers
The European Commission has adopted a delegated act to support the development of safe and secure parking areas throughout the EU. The act, aiming at improving resting conditions for drivers and prote...
12 April 2022 - Read more
2021 EU road safety figures remain significantly below pre-pandemic levels
The European Commission has published preliminary figures on 2021 road accidents, confirming a significant decrease of fatalities (-13%) compared to pre-pandemic levels. According to the European Comm...
09 April 2022 - Read more
First multi-cluster workshop held to align on the Connected, Cooperative, Automated Mobility Partnership goals
The CCAM (Connected, Cooperative, Automated Mobility) Partnership Association organised its first multi-cluster workshop in Brussels on 31 March, providing an opportunity for members to finally meet i...
07 April 2022 - Read more
Road Transport Research Conference reflects on policy objectives and EU projects
The 5th edition of the Road Transport Research (RTR) Conference took place in Brussels on 29-30 March 2022, organised in cooperation between the European Commission and ERTRAC (the European Road Trans...
05 April 2022 - Read more
The DRIVES project ends after four years of pioneering skills research
The partners of the EU-funded project held a final event on 24 March, presenting the results achieved The Automotive Skills Alliance will take up the legacy of DRIVES in fostering a sus...
25 March 2022 - Read more
EU organisations call on French President to urgently reconsider the role of ICE and low-carbon fuels complementing electrification 
Dear President, The European Union has decided to reach climate neutrality by 2050. This highly commendable objective, that we wholeheartedly support, will only be met thanks to common efforts of c...
24 March 2022 - Read more
Fit for 55: Doubling-down on tech openness is more essential than ever – Newsletter Editorial March 2022
Only a few short weeks ago, our world changed drastically. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine violated the fundamental principles of democracy and rule of law, and the automotive supply industry fully r...
24 March 2022 - Read more
Cross-industry coalition calls for a robust policy framework to kick-start the mobility transition
The automotive, energy generation, electricity and charging infrastructure industries have come together to urge the European Parliament and Council to adopt strong, interconnected policies to acceler...
18 March 2022 - Read more
The ENSEMBLE project ends after 4 years of technology development on multi-brand truck platooning
The ENSEMBLE consortium held its final public event on 17 March to mark the end of the 46-month project on 31 March. The event was an occasion to discuss the achievements and the results of the projec...
18 March 2022 - Read more
R&D investment continues to grow despite inflation and the rise in energy and material costs, reveals latest CLEPA Pulse Check
Automotive suppliers are proactively responding to supply chain disruptions and chip shortages, but cost pressures continue to prevent a full recovery post COVID-19 New investments in R&D...
17 March 2022 - Read more
New UN Regulation harmonises identification and snow performance of studded tyres 
High-quality winter tyres are indispensable for driving safely on snowy or icy roads. Requirements vary from country to country, but usually winter tyre are those identified with special markings...
10 March 2022 - Read more
Industry coalition urges the EU institutions to continue to make EU trade agreements a priority
The undersigned European associations, as key European industry stakeholders, urge the EU institutions to continue to make EU trade agreements a priority, opening new markets for trade and investment...
08 March 2022 - Read more
Russia-Ukraine: Crisis poses great risk to global supply chains
The brutal Russian incursion into Ukraine signifies a dramatic shift after decades of stability, violating fundamental principles of democracy and rule of law, with severe ramifications for millions o...
04 March 2022 - Read more
CLEPA joins 11 other industries asking the Commission to carefully assess the impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on downstream industries
We, the signatories, representing a wide range of EU manufacturing industries (technology and engineering, automobile, home appliances, catering equipment, refrigerators, HVAC equipment) are convinced...
24 February 2022 - Read more
The Data Act proposal is a good first step in promoting a level playing field, but should be complemented by sector-specific legislation
The European Commission published yesterday its proposal for a Data Act, a regulation which aims at facilitating B2B data sharing to open new opportunities for innovation and competition in the digita...
24 February 2022 - Read more
Applications for the 2022 CLEPA Innovation Awards open next week!
The mobility-technology industry is one of the most innovative in the EU, with the auto sector responsible for 30% of private sector investment in R&D. With the aim to support and recognise the ou...
18 February 2022 - Read more
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