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Why a free-trade deal would be an important milestone for carmakers in Europe and Japan
Uniting the world's largest and fourth largest economies in a wide-ranging and comprehensive economic integrated agreement (EIA) would spur growth both in Europe, which is still feeling the effects of...
28 November 2012 - Read more
Safer vehicles through international harmonisation
The European Commission has today agreed with international partners on new internationally harmonised rules on Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) and Lane Departure Warning Systems (LDWS) for...
15 November 2012 - Read more
New European Union emissions rules for vehicles have been put on hold or are being delayed, EU sources and campaigners said, citing pressure from the hard pressed auto industry.
A plan published last week to prop up the European auto sector made no mention of carbon regulations for heavy goods vehicles or carbon dioxide labeling to guide consumer choice, which had been flagge...
14 November 2012 - Read more
CARS 2020: for a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry
With 12 million sector-related jobs the automotive industry is vital for Europe's prosperity and job creation. The EU needs to maintain a world-class car industry, producing the most energy efficient...
08 November 2012 - Read more
SMEs to get special research budget, but how much is unclear
EU ministers with research portfolios have agreed new funding procedures for SMEs so that they can more easily access funds from the EU’s next framework programme for research – called Horizon 202...
26 October 2012 - Read more
Towards faster deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Europe
Progress in implementing intelligent transport systems is being discussed today in Vienna, at the annual ITS conference organised by the European Commission, and officially opened by Vice-President Si...
22 October 2012 - Read more
Rules of participation on Research Council agenda
The member states’ ministers in charge of research meet on 10 October in Luxembourg and are likely to approve the main points of two draft regulations in the framework of Horizon 2020, the future R&...
10 October 2012 - Read more
Single Market Act II: twelve priority actions for new growth
On the occasion of the fourth meeting of the European SME envoys held in Malta today, European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani announced a series of new initiatives and planned actions to...
04 October 2012 - Read more
15th EU-China Summit: joining forces in challenging times
The 15th EU-China summit will take place in Brussels on 20 September. The EU will be represented by European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barros...
20 September 2012 - Read more
Transport and Innovation: Commission pushes to accelerate development and market uptake of new transport technologies
The European Commission launches today an initiative to coordinate and focus European research and innovation in transport. The aim is to speed up the deployment of new transport means and solutio...
19 September 2012 - Read more
Exclusive: EU to limit use of crop-based biofuels – draft law
The European Union will impose a limit on the use of crop-based biofuels over fears they are less climate-friendly than initially thought and compete with food production, draft EU legislation seen...
13 September 2012 - Read more
EU grants almost €200 million to support key infrastructure projects
The European Commission has selected 74 projects that will receive almost €200 million in EU co-financing from the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) programme to continue improving transp...
11 September 2012 - Read more
Road transport: serious delays in establishing a pan-European road toll payment system
The European Commission has warned that Member States will need to do more to ensure that the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) deployment is on track. The EU decided in 2004 to implement EETS...
10 September 2012 - Read more
Jobs for Europe conference – conclusions by Commissioner László Andor
The urgent need for governments, EU institutions and the social partners to work together to resolve Europe's employment and social crisis was underlined by László Andor, European Commissioner f...
07 September 2012 - Read more
€40mn provided to help create first pan-European EV highway
Electric car network provider Better Place has secured a €40 million loan from the European Investment Bank to help accelerate the development of low-carbon transport across Europe. The loan mark...
30 August 2012 - Read more
European Commission proposes €11.9 million from Globalisation Fund for former workers of PSA Peugeot Citroën in France
The European Commission today proposed to provide France with €11.9 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 2 089 workers made redundant at the end of 2009 and during...
22 August 2012 - Read more
New climate rules for cars will save billions
Connie Hedegaard, the EU Climate Action commissioner, argues that tougher standards for automotive carbon emissions are good Europe’s long-term economic and environmental health. "Do we r...
27 July 2012 - Read more
European Commission targets barriers to Single Market for research and innovation
The European Commission has today set out concrete steps Member States should take to achieve the European Research Area (ERA), a Single Market for research and innovation in Europe. The goal is t...
18 July 2012 - Read more
Road safety: Tougher vehicle testing rules to save lives
Vehicle checks are fundamental to road safety. More than 5 people die on Europe's roads every day in accidents linked to technical failure. So today the European Commission has adopted new rules to...
16 July 2012 - Read more
PSA: Bruxelles prête à examiner des demandes françaises de soutien à l’emploi
BRUXELLES — La Commission européenne s'est dit prête jeudi à examiner avec les autorités françaises des demandes de soutien à l'emploi, après l'annonce par le constructeur automobile fran...
13 July 2012 - Read more
Further CO2 emission reductions from cars and vans: a win-win for the climate, consumers, innovation and jobs
The European Commission has put forward proposals to implement targets that will further considerably reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars and light commercial vehicles (vans) by 202...
12 July 2012 - Read more
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