
SKILLMAN 2016 International Conference

SKILLMAN, the Sector Skill Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector, represents the one-stop-shop for providing state of the art solutions to competencies and skills needs faced by the automotive and avionics sector. The Sector Skills Alliance is promoted by a network of leading organisations, including Jaguar Land Rover, FIAT Research Centre and SAS, Scandinavian Airlines Systems, in cooperation with research centres, educational providers and qualification awarding bodies.


The industrial partners cooperate with educational provides to detect skills needs and jointly design educational programmes in line with current and emerging technologies. The Observatory on Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector focuses its research activities and yearly outlook on labour market intelligence and on the requirements for the educational programmes around three key domain areas:


  • Robotos
  • Composite and lightweight materials
  • Wireless technologies and Industry 4.0


Each challenge is assigned to a Thematic Commission, conceived as working group, which responsible to build a knowledge base on sector trends and innovations and on new requirements for educational programmes and qualifications. The educational programmes promoted by SKILLMAN are primarily aimed at youngsters involved in tertiary VET qualifications, workers involved in short-cycle qualifications directed to re-skilling or up-skilling programmes and trainers wishing to access state of the art educational materials on Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector.


The conference promotes synergies and exchanges of experiences among businesses, educational providers, professionals and decision makers around skills shortages, ensuring tangible benefits in terms of:


  • Benchmarking successful initiatives and support to strategic planning for decision makers
  • Sharing resources, methodologies, tools and solutions for practitioners


The conference offers networking opportunities to foster cooperation between VET providers and businesses, within and beyond EU borders. The conference promotes capacity building for improving educational offer in the field of advanced manufacturing at different and complementary dimensions:


  • 1) Individuals
  • 2) Organisations
  • 3) Legal framework


SKILLMAN Alliance is supported by the Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commissioner under Erasmus+.


For the full programme, please click here.