by Clepa

How to support fast innovation by different levels of Physical and Digital Infrastructure measures?

How to support fast innovation by different levels of Physical and Digital Infrastructure measures?

2020/05/15 - 2020/05/15

Event details


2020/05/15 - 2020/05/15

Event location


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the EUCAD 2020 Symposium physical workshops have been cancelled but the planned sessions are rescheduled as webinars.

The second Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe (EUCAD2020) is the continuation of previous EUCAD events, including the 2017 and 2019 EUCAD conferences as well as the EUCAD 2018 Symposium.

The event facilitates in depth discussions around specific topics for Research & Innovation in Connected and Automated Driving in the form of interactive sessions. Each session focuses on “hot topics” related to the main challenge areas for CAD development and testing in Europe and beyond. The EUCAD2020 webinars are organised by the ARCADE Initiative and hosted by the ERTICO Academy. It is targeted at public and private stakeholders in road transport, interested in exchanging views on immediate next steps and future actions required for connected and automated mobility.

Webinar on 15 May 2020, 14:00 – 15:30.

In the operational domains of passenger cars on highways, trucks in first automation operations and new urban mobility solutions in cities for people and goods, there are different levels of physical and digital infrastructure measures helpful to support fast innovation.

This session will look into common aspects between the different digital infrastructure projects in order to get a broader picture of the usability of operational domains. It is discussed what road authorities can do to support vehicle industry as well as mobility service providers and how road authorities can be supported for their long-term planning and testing of new measures in this area.

The concept as described in the actual version of the ERTRAC Roadmap around the Infrastructure Support Levels for Automated Driving (ISAD) will be elaborated by going deeper into first Level 4 use cases. It will discuss relations between the Operational Design Domain, which describes a vehicle Design Capability to run in autonomous mode in specific Operational Domains, and new Physical and Digital Infrastructure Measures on public roads in different Levels.

The session is interactive, and the audience is invited to contribute via discussion by posting questions in chat boxes and online answers to specific questions.

Host: Stéphane Dreher, ERTICO – ITS Europe

Moderator: Armin Graeter, BMW


  • Jacqueline Erhart, ASFINAG
  • Jaap Vreeswijk, MAP TM
  • Jan Ellsberger, Huawei
  • Thierry Goger, FEHRL
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