GO4SEM Final Event
GO4SEM Final Event
“Global Opportunities for SMEs in Electro – Mobility” final event
Diamant Conference Center Brussels
E-mobility technologies are key for European companies to compete successfully in fast evolving markets such as USA, South Korea, Japan and in the emerging markets including India, Brazil and China.
GO4SEM project detects and analyses technology and product needs in emerging electric mobility supply chains in global automotive markets outside Europe.
If you would like to participate in the event and receive an invitation, please send an email to k.doraczynska(at)clepa.be
Follow us on the website to be updated about our final event!
The final event of the project will be an opportunity to present findings on the global markets situation and to raise awareness on future trends in e-mobility, mechanism and business opportunities, particularly for European SMEs specifically focusing on ICT.
The audience will benefit from the presentation of projects outcome and recommendations for the European Commission, keynote speakers from the European Commission and high level panel discussion with policy makers, technical experts and representatives from industry.
The main target groups for the event are policy-makers, National and European Associations and Institutions, SMEs and stakeholders interested in e-mobility supply chains and policy actions.