by Clepa

Forum for Mobility & Society – Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy

Forum for Mobility & Society – Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy

2021/04/13 - 2021/04/13

Event details


2021/04/13 - 2021/04/13

Event location



Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy: Is this the right way towards a clean and digital mobility?

Mobility is essential for the EU’s society and economy and plays an important role in connecting people and businesses, but also in achieving sustainable development. The pandemic confirmed the essential role of transport, but it also demonstrated the need for systemic transformation of our economy, based on principles of sustainability, digitalisation, and resilience.

The European Commission’s Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy puts in place key milestones for all modes of transport to ensure that the EU transport system stays on track in its development towards a smart and sustainable future.

Transport must decarbonise and improve its sustainability, in line with the 2050 climate neutrality target; however, this evolution should leave no one behind: it is crucial that mobility remains available and affordable for all.

The webinar, promoted by the Forum for Mobility and Society members, will explore some of the aspects of this wide subject:

  • What is the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy and why does it matter?
  • How can mobility contribute to a Green and a Digital Recovery?
  • Existing challenges: Alternative fuels; stricter CO2 reduction targets and energy taxation; digitalising transport.



Draft Programme:

Moderated by Mr Sam MORGAN

Keynote presentation: Ms Maja BAKRAN, Deputy Director-General, DG MOVE, European Commission (15 min)

Comments by Mr Stefan BACK, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Vice-President of the TRAN Section (10min)

Roundtable discussion (45min)

  • MEP Ismail ERTUG, FMS Co-Chair and TRAN Rapporteur on the Smart and Sustainable Mobility strategy
  • Ms Maja BAKRAN, Deputy Director-General, DG MOVE, European Commission
  • Ms Sigrid DE VRIES, Secretary General, CLEPA
  • Mr Christopher HODDER, Public Affairs Manager, Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme
  • Ms Fazilet CINARALP, Secretary General, ETRMA
  • Ms Valerie BOUILLON-DELPORTE, Hydrogen Ecosystem Director, Michelin

Q&A session (30’)

Summary of main takeaways by the Moderator (5’)

Closing remarks: MEP Henna VIRKKUNEN, FMS Co-Chair (5min)

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