CLEPA joins EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement business roundtable
The CEPA Coalition, comprised of associations representing a wide range of companies across diverse sectors of the European and Indonesian economies, welcomes the productive dialogue fostered during today’s business roundtable on the EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). Hosted by DG TRADE in the framework of the 18th round of negotiations, this meeting was a great opportunity for the coalition to reiterate the importance of concluding an ambitious and comprehensive agreement this year.
Members of the coalition warmly welcome the strong willingness demonstrated by both sides to making progresses on all remaining issues during the upcoming round of negotiations. We are hopeful that the insights gained from today’s discussions will contribute significantly to concluding the CEPA agreement this year, benefiting all businesses and communities on both sides.
Indonesia and the European Union share a rich history of collaboration and cultural exchange, and the CEPA coalition firmly believes that a comprehensive and forward-looking CEPA agreement will further strengthen these ties.
Our vision for the CEPA agreement encompasses fostering innovation, enhancing market access, reducing trade barriers, reinforcing intellectual property rights protection, and promoting a sustainable and inclusive economic agenda that would benefit all sectors from both sides. Collaboration between the two partners is key to ensuring that sustainability drives trade and investment while avoiding regulatory actions that could lead to market access barriers and trade disputes.
Today’s meeting was another positive step forward. It is now crucial that both sides address all remaining issues in a constructive and compromise-oriented spirit so that an ambitious agreement could be reached this year. The CEPA Coalition remains committed to advocating for an agreement that reflects the shared aspirations and interests of businesses across Europe and Indonesia.
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