Policy priorities

CLEPA has identified 4 strategic priorities for its members. 
Wind turbine,Sky,Solar panel,EnergyHand,Car,Mechanic,Holding,Car,Tire,Pressure,Check,Equipment,ToolMale,Automotive,Engineer,Holds,Digital,Tablet,Computer,With,Simulation,OfCar,Electric,Recharging station

Connectivity & Automation

New cooperative systems and connected cars transform the way vehicles interact with their surroundings. Car-to-user, car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication play an important role in our mobility. Real-time traffic information and vehicle infotainment structure make cars more intelligent, bringing additional benefits to users.

Connected and automated driving will bring safe, smart and sustainable solutions for a wide range of road mobility challenges. It will improve road safety and reduce travel time, energy consumption and congestion.

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Energy & Environment

Protection of the environment and the improvement of air quality are important objectives for the automotive suppliers industry. From the conception to the production, suppliers strive to make their products and services ever more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

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Growth & Competitiveness

Automotive suppliers, in their more than 100-year history, have been champions in adapting to new product- and marketing opportunities. And they are, once again, doing so today. European suppliers see a broader role for themselves as the mobility industry evolves.

They adapt to new product and market opportunities, lead the way for innovation, and create employment. In order to continue leading the technology-driven transformation of mobility, automotive suppliers need a business-friendly and competitive regulatory environment.

As global competition intensifies, the European supplier industry is investing more in R&D. Every year automotive suppliers invest over €30 billion in R&D and file over 9,000 patents, offering a wide range of new products and solutions to the market.

A functioning, reliable and innovation-friendly legal framework across European borders will be a prerequisite for continued success in a world increasingly characterised by global competition. European supplier companies can only be leaders in their field when their home market operates with as few internal barriers as possible.

See our page on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles, which focuses on tech diversty for trucks and the road towards climate-neutral mobility.

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Road safety is not only a societal challenge, but also a focus area of strategic importance to European automotive suppliers, who have been playing a leading role in safety technology for decades.

Automotive suppliers continue to develop vehicle systems to mitigate or avoid accidents taking into account the human and environmental factors, which are the most frequent roots for accidents.

Technology and innovation have helped make our vehicles safer: protecting the driver, passengers and other road users. Today’s cars and trucks feature a wide range of active and passive safety systems that help avoid accidents or reduce the impact if an accident were to happen. Many of these technologies, such as seat belts, airbags and ESP were developed in Europe by CLEPA member companies.

CLEPA and its members are committed to doing more to protect all road users, from vehicle occupants to pedestrians, by focusing research and innovation on safety and integrating passive, active safety systems as well as communication with other vehicles and infrastructure to offer road users the best protection.

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