Europe’s auto makers & suppliers to EU: enable us to be world R&D champions
For well over a century, European vehicle manufacturers and automotive suppliers have been technological pioneers. But burdensome red tape is putting them at risk of falling behind its global competitors as digital technology becomes an ever bigger part of our vehicles.
At today’s Strategic Dialogue workshop with European Commissioner Virkkunen, we urged the EU to break down administrative roadblocks and reduce excessive compliance requirements to unleash the innovative potential of the European automotive sector.
European vehicle manufacturers and suppliers are R&D powerhouses at the cutting edge of their field. They enjoy an enviable reputation worldwide for innovation. As an example, our industry is progressing steadily in its development of automated vehicles. Cars that park themselves, trucks that drive on their own around freight yards: these applications are already a reality.
“We need the EU to incentivise, not stymy our comparative lead. Automated vehicles are the next frontier and a field we can lead. But to do this we need conditions that favour the creation of a strong digital industrial base,” stated Sigrid de Vries, Director General of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA). “It is also baffling that at a time when the Commission is having a strategic dialogue with the industry to improve its competitiveness, it is actually withdrawing the proposal on Standard Essential Patents that is essential for competitiveness and EU automotive leadership in semi-autonomous and autonomous driving without any prior consultation or discussion with the industry.”
“The US and others are investing massively in key technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and are ahead when it comes to digital marketplaces. Europe must respond with a bold approach to ensure a thriving market for digital mobility services and to secure sufficient investment so that the next generation of connected and automated vehicles is developed here,” said Benjamin Krieger, Secretary General at CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers. “The EU must strengthen its semiconductor and automotive electronics ecosystem, advance R&D, and foster global partnerships and a unified market for autonomous vehicles. To drive sustainable mobility and digitalisation, a balanced FP10 funding and strong industry support is essential.”

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