Connected and automated mobility at the core of European technology leadership

A wide range of mobility-technology industry representatives, city authorities and policymakers met during the 3-day EUCAD Conference to examine the next steps in the implementation of connectivity and automation, including its potential in positioning Europe as a leader in smart, sustainable and safe road transport.  

This year being its 3rd editionthe European Conference in Connected and Automated Driving has become the largest policy event in the field of connectivity and automation and is the place to be for those who wish to keep up with the latest R&I advancements in the mobility ecosystem. 

The conference marked the official launch of the Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility partnership, a joint initiative of 144 stakeholders that are working together towards advancing smart mobility in the EUwhich CLEPA is also party to 

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, opened the scene with a clear message: “to be smarter, we need to share more”. The importance of joining forces in this multidisciplinary domain was one of the prominent themes echoing throughout the event:   

“We see this alignment as crucial to avoid fragmentation, and hence accelerate the implementation of innovative Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility technologies and services in Europe. By working together, we need to ensure the future within an increasingly competitive global market”, said Secretary General Sigrid de Vries during her participation in the first Plenary (link to recording). 

CLEPA works closely with other stakeholders in promoting the acceleration of connected and automated driving in the EU as part of the ARCADE Project. The association of automotive suppliers has actively contributed to the organisation of the EUCAD Conference and its exhibition. 

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