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Road safety: Progress in cutting EU road deaths falls to 2% in 2011
Progress in cutting road fatalities significantly slowed last year (to -2%) compared with a very promising EU-wide reduction throughout the last decade (on average -6%), according to new figures p...
30 March 2012 - Read more
CLEPA calls for fair play in trade agreements
"We need an assertive Commission, to ensure fair play and enforce the reciprocity rule in its agreements with international partners," said incoming CLEPA Chief Executive, Jean-Marc Gales, at CLEP...
29 March 2012 - Read more
BELGIUM: European Commission convenes auto summit for 6 June
Exhaustive results of a study into the acute problems currently facing the auto sector will be unveiled by the European Commission at a summit in Brussels on 6 June. European automakers are current...
28 March 2012 - Read more
Tajani backs away from 2025 fuel efficiency fight
A recent moratorium on new legislation in the automobile sector announced by the European Industry Commissioner Antonio Tajani is being quietly shelved, EurActiv has learned. In a declaration of su...
26 March 2012 - Read more
Experts quizzed over how to stimulate innovation in the EU
Europe lags behind when it comes to translating breakthrough technologies into business opportunities but the EU aims to overcome this with Horizon 2020, a €80 billion plan to boost research and...
23 March 2012 - Read more
EU standardisation work: let small firms and consumers join in, says committee
Consumers and small businesses must be enabled to play a bigger part in developing EU goods and services standards, so as to build in protection for public interests such as product safety, environmen...
22 March 2012 - Read more
New study looks at the state of implementation of the CO2/car labelling Directive
A report prepared for the European Commission presents the state of play for the implementation of Directive 1999/94/EC ('the CO2/car labelling Directive') in eight Member States: Belgium, Denmark,...
21 March 2012 - Read more
Exploring your transport options, the EU way
How can one drive and protect the environment at the same time? It's an important question, and one that weighs on the minds of Europeans a lot. In an effort to help consumers, the EU is backing a...
20 March 2012 - Read more
No trade war with China, EU presidency says
BRUSSELS - Business between the EU and China is running as usual, despite highly-public trade differences between the two economic powerhouses, the Danish trade minister has said. "I wouldn...
19 March 2012 - Read more
The European Commission wants to phase out conventional engines in cities by 2050. This will require changes in building, fuelling and propelling vehicles
A great deal has changed since 1972, and not just in hair and fashion. Today we take for granted personal computers, mobile phones and instant access to entertainment. Forty years ago these things w...
16 March 2012 - Read more
Passenger Cars: registrations drop by 9.7% in February 2012
In February, new car registrations were down by 9.7% in the EU*, compared to February 2011, totalling 888,878 units. In the region, the month counted on average one more working day than last year....
15 March 2012 - Read more
EU challenges China’s rare earth export restrictions
The European Union launched a second challenge of China's export restrictions on raw materials including 17 rare earths, as well as tungsten and molybdenum. Together with the US and Japan, the...
14 March 2012 - Read more
European researchers driving road safety
Safety while driving is paramount and Europeans are making efforts to ensure our well-being in vehicles — whether we are behind the steering wheel or in a passenger seat. The project partners ha...
13 March 2012 - Read more
Commission proposes to improve common greenhouse gas accounting rules for forestry and agriculture
In adopting a new proposal on accounting of greenhouse gases emissions, the European Commission has taken a first step towards incorporating removals and emissions from forests and agriculture into...
12 March 2012 - Read more
Japan car sales jump on subsidies for green vehicles
Japanese car sales, including those of 660cc mini vehicles, rose in February as government subsidies for energy-efficient vehicles lured buyers. Passenger car sales jumped 33% from a year earlier,...
12 March 2012 - Read more
Environment: Better implementation will lower costs and improve the environment
Failing to implement environment legislation is thought to cost the EU economy around €50 billion every year in health costs and direct costs to the environment. In an effort to reduce that figu...
09 March 2012 - Read more
Peugeot backs call for EU common policy
PSA Peugeot Citroën’s chief executive has endorsed growing calls for a common policy in Europe to solve the car industry’s overcapacity and competitiveness problems. Philippe Varin on Wednesda...
08 March 2012 - Read more
The 2012 Geneva Motor Show
The 2012 Geneva Motor Show comes at a time of particular economic uncertainty in Europe - on the markets in general and in the automotive industry in particular. "Europe is at a critical ju...
07 March 2012 - Read more
Financial transaction tax: a better design is possible
 The proposed financial transaction tax should be better designed to capture more traders and to make evading it unprofitable, say proposals presented in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee...
06 March 2012 - Read more
ACTA: MEPs want clarity before taking a decision
International Trade Committee MEPs from all political groups want to know more about how the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) would be enforced before advising Parliament as a whole on w...
05 March 2012 - Read more
European carmakers take share of funds
Among the 800 institutions that tapped the second round of three-year funding from the European Central Bank were some of the region’s biggest carmakers. Germany’s Mercedes-Benz, Daimler’s ca...
02 March 2012 - Read more
Interview: “End result has to be zero”: CLEPA CEO Lars Holmqvist on India tariffs
Automotive supplier body CLEPA CEO Lars Holmqvist has just returned from attending the recent European Union-India trade summit in New Delhi, where the contentious issue of tariffs formed the back...
01 March 2012 - Read more
Innovation Partnerships: new proposals on raw materials, agriculture and healthy ageing to boost European competitiveness
Brussels, 29 February 2012 – The European Commission has today proposed decisive action to meet three key challenges facing our society, in areas that are crucial to growth and jobs: the supply...
29 February 2012 - Read more
Marchionne: EU must counter economic headwind with a strong industrial policy
The EU needs to urgently refocus on its industrial future and address the fundamental issues that constrain the region’s competitiveness in a global perspective, steering away from the short-ter...
29 February 2012 - Read more
Making the Single Market work better: boosting Europe’s potential for growth
The Single Market celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2012. In the past 20 years, the Single Market has helped create millions of jobs and make Europe increasingly competitive. But the job is not fin...
28 February 2012 - Read more
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