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Alternative fuel infrastructure tops agenda
The member states’ transport ministers, meeting in Council on 7 December, will try to agree on the deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the EU. The Council is expected to adopt a ge...
04 December 2013 - Read more
Japan’s self-driving cars: safety over excitement
The car is cruising noiselessly along a busy highway on the crispest of autumn mornings in Tokyo. The vehicle, a Lexus hybrid, is relatively unremarkable but inside hangs an air of expectation. The...
03 December 2013 - Read more
Saab to restart 9-3 production two years after bankruptcy
Saab's new owner, National Electric Vehicle Sweden, will begin series production of the 9-3 mid-sized sedan at its plant in Trollhattan, Sweden, almost two years to the day since the company was force...
02 December 2013 - Read more
Alternative fuel stations: Transport Committee backs draft law to expand networks
EU member states would have to ensure that specified numbers of electric vehicle recharging points and hydrogen and natural gas stations are built by 2020, under a draft directive endorsed by the Tran...
02 December 2013 - Read more
Informal agreement on car CO2 emissions reduction
The Council's Permanent Representatives Committee today confirmed the agreement reached with the European Parliament on the 2020 reduction of CO2 emissions from new passenger cars. The text still n...
29 November 2013 - Read more
Car CO2 emissions: MEPs reach a deal with Lithuanian Presidency of the Council
An informal agreement on new rules to achieve the 2020 CO2 emission target of 95g/km for new cars was reached by EP and member state negotiators on Tuesday afternoon. The file had to be reopened after...
27 November 2013 - Read more
COSME: € 2.3 billion to foster the competitiveness of SMEs over the next seven years
The European Commission welcomed today's adoption of the programme COSME by the European Parliament. COSME aims to ease the access to credit problems that small businesses currently face. With a € 2...
21 November 2013 - Read more
Parliament approves EU’s 2014 budget and plugs 2013 payment gaps
The European Parliament approved the EU’s budget for 2014 on Wednesday. This budget is the result of the deal struck with the Council in last week’s negotiations. For payments €500 million were...
21 November 2013 - Read more
VW tops global R&D ranking, but EU companies put in mixed performance
For the first time since 2004, an EU company – the German carmaker Volkswagen – is the world’s largest private sector R&D investor. Volkswagen tops the European Commission's 2013 EU Industri...
18 November 2013 - Read more
Stricter new vehicle noise standards from 2014
A new regulation setting stricter noise standards for new vehicles will enter into force in 2014, but will not be fully effective for another 15 years. The agreed regulation will now reduce, in three...
12 November 2013 - Read more
EU budget 2014: Parliament and Council strike a deal
After negotiating through the night, Parliament and Council struck a deal on the EU budget for 2014, which also provides for remedying payments shortfalls in in the current fiscal year. MEPs ensured t...
12 November 2013 - Read more
EU-South Korea: 7th summit celebrates 50 years of bilateral cooperation
In addition to a declaration marking this 50th anniversary, European and South Korean leaders are to sign an agreement on exchanges of scientific researchers. On 8 November, Brussels will host the...
07 November 2013 - Read more
Road transport: Gigaliners continue to divide MEPs
It seems next to impossible to predict the final position the European Parliament will take on the cross-border circulation of gigaliners, also known to their opponents as ‘monster trucks’. The de...
06 November 2013 - Read more
Horizon 2020 expert advisory groups appointed
The European Commission has appointed the 15 groups of independent experts to advise on priorities for Horizon 2020, the next EU research and innovation programme. The advisory groups are the most div...
05 November 2013 - Read more
New child seats UN Regulation 129 – i-Size Enhanced Child Restraint System
A new UN Regulation R129, for the approval of Enhanced Child Restraint System (ECRS), has been developed by a committee of experts under the auspice of United Nations, with the aim to enhance child sa...
31 October 2013 - Read more
EC Commissioner Reding on EU-US relations and the future of the TTIP
EC Commissioner for Justice, Viviane Reding, today gave a speech at Yale University, New Haven, speaking about EU-US relations and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Main Me...
30 October 2013 - Read more
CO2: Interview with CLEPA CEO Jean-Marc Gales in Automobilwoche
German magazine Automobilwoche (a sister production of Automotive News) spoke to CLEPA CEO Jean-Marc Gales last week about the recent developments of the CO2 dossier, Germany's political strategies an...
24 October 2013 - Read more
CLEPA CEO Jean-Marc Gales – Interview with Spiegel Online on CO2
CLEPA CEO Jean-Marc Gales spoke to Spiegel Online (Germany) yesterday about the current CO2 debate, calling Germany's tactics "a dangerous game". CLEPA would support ambitious targets that helped fost...
17 October 2013 - Read more
European companies and regional leaders agree on Action Plan to make Europe’s cities smarter
The High Level Group of the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities and Communities has today adopted the Partnership's 'Strategic Implementation Plan' (SIP). The plan will serve as the basis...
15 October 2013 - Read more
EU requests WTO panel with Russia over vehicle exports
The EU has today requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva to rule on the legality of the so-called ‘recycling fee’ which Russia...
10 October 2013 - Read more
Connecting Europe Facility: committees approve infrastructure funding mechanism
Transport and Industry MEPs approved an agreement on the "Connecting Europe Facility" (CEF), the EU's new funding mechanism for infrastructure projects of common interest for trans-European transport,...
08 October 2013 - Read more
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