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Data flows and data protection in EU trade agreements
On the 31st of January, the European Commission has endorsed horizontal provisions for cross-border data flows and personal data protection in trade negotiations.   As the protection of pe...
31 January 2018 - Read more
Risks posed to the security of network and information systems
On the 30th of January 2018, the European Commission published its Regulation on further specification of the elements to be taken into account by digital service providers for managing the risks pos...
31 January 2018 - Read more
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2018: call for applications now open
For the third year in a row CLEPA – the European Association of Automotive Suppliers – is organising the celebrated “CLEPA Innovation Awards” competition, and applications are now open!...
29 January 2018 - Read more
A golden guiding principle
Understandably, and for years, technology neutrality has been the guiding principle for emission legislation in the transport sector. The EU has continually led the world with respect to automotive CO...
29 January 2018 - Read more
Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
The European Commission decided on the 25th of January to refer Malta and Romania to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to notify their national policy frameworks under Directive 2014/94/...
25 January 2018 - Read more
The Economic Impact of Local Content Requirements
On the 25th of January 2018, ECIPE published a Case study of heavy vehicles on the economic impact of local content requirements.   The use of local content requirements (LCRs) has been gro...
25 January 2018 - Read more
Guidance on upcoming new data protection rules
On the 24th of January 2018, the Commission published guidance to facilitate a direct and smooth application of the new data protection rules across the EU as of 25 May. The Commission also launches a...
24 January 2018 - Read more
Global Centre for Cybersecurity against digital Dark Age
On the 24th of January 2018, the World Economic Forum announced a new Global Centre for Cybersecurity to help build a safe and secure global cyberspace. The centre will be based in Geneva, Switzerland...
24 January 2018 - Read more
Towards a European Labour Authority?
On the 23rd of January 2018, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung published a study on the evetnual implementation of a European Labour Authority. This study explores problems in the area of cross-border l...
23 January 2018 - Read more
Evolution of the mass of new passenger cars
On the 23rd of January 2018, the European Commission published its Delegated Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the ev...
23 January 2018 - Read more
Road vehicle automation and cities and regions
On the 23rd of January 2018, POLIS launched discussion paper offering the perspective of cities and regions on road vehicle automation.   Polis is concerned about the optimism bias conveye...
23 January 2018 - Read more
State and challenges of transport infrastructures
On the 22nd of January 2018, the European Commission published a study on transport infrastructures. This report is one of a series of seven roadmaps that consider each core aspect of the European...
22 January 2018 - Read more
Competitiveness and sustainability of connected and automated transport
On the 22nd of January 2018, the European Commission published a roadmap document on connected and automated transport. This Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA) roadmap docum...
22 January 2018 - Read more
Smart mobility and services
On the 22nd of January 2018, the European Commission published a study on smart mobility and services. Decarbonising transport and mobility systems is a pressing challenge for global and European c...
22 January 2018 - Read more
Vehicle design and manufacturing
On the 22nd of January 2018, the European Commission published a study on vehicle design and manufacturing.   Over the last fifty years, design and manufacturing of transport vehicles has f...
22 January 2018 - Read more
Electrification of the transport system
On the 22nd of January 2018, the European Commission released a study on the electrification of the transport system.   Electrification of transport combines an energy efficient power train...
22 January 2018 - Read more
7th EU-Korea Trade Committee
On the 19th of January 2018 in Brussels, EU Trade Commissioner Malmström and Korean Trade Minister Kim held the 7th meeting of the Trade Committee of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The Trad...
19 January 2018 - Read more
Heavy-Duty Vehicle CO2 emission standards
On the 18th of January 2018, the European Commission organised a Stakeholder meeting on the impact assessment on Heavy-Duty Vehicle CO2 emission standards, bringing together public authorities, NGOs...
18 January 2018 - Read more
2018 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index
On the 18th of January 2018, KPMG published its 2018 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index. The Autonomous Vehicle Readiness Index shows which countries are most prepared for driverless cars. Aut...
18 January 2018 - Read more
Car and van manufacturers meet CO2 emission targets for 2016
On the 18th of January 2018, the European Environment Agency published a report, 'Monitoring CO2 emissions from passenger cars and vans in 2016', which gives an updated summary of CO2 emission level...
18 January 2018 - Read more
EU transport research & innovation status assessment
On the 17th of January 2018, the European Commission published its EU transport research & innovation status assessment report 2017, an overview based on the Transport Research and Innovation Mo...
17 January 2018 - Read more
New measures to boost key competences and digital skills
To follow up on the Gothenburg Summit, the European Commission has adopted on the 17th of January 2018 new initiatives to improve key competences and digital skills of European citizens, to promote co...
17 January 2018 - Read more
EU strategy on plastics in a circular economy
On the 16th of January 2018, the European Commission published its strategy on plastics in a circular economy. The first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics is a part of the transition towards a...
16 January 2018 - Read more
Manufacturing transformation set to create a two-speed world
On the 12th of January 2018, the World Economic Forum published its 2018 Report on the Readiness for the Future of Production. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution gathers momentum, decision-makers...
12 January 2018 - Read more
European competitions in urban mobility and added value manufacturing
On the 12th of January 2018, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology launched a competition for new Innovation Communities in the areas of urban mobility (EIT Urban Mobility) and added val...
12 January 2018 - Read more
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