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EC: Proposal on car emissions testing in real driving conditions tabled
In response to a ruling by the General Court, today the Commission proposes to reinsert certain aspects of Real Driving Emissions testing (RDE) into legislation to be adopted by the European...
14 June 2019 - Read more
CLEPA Innovation Awards 2019: Transitioning towards new mobility concepts
Bosch, APTIV, MAHLE and Joyson Safety Systems win first prize in their respective categories Phasya and XenomatiX awarded a special SME prize CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppli...
14 June 2019 - Read more
Spanish Automotive Suppliers Deliver Good Results with Moderate Growth
 In 2018, turnover in the Spanish automotive component industry reached 37.17 billion euros, a 2.6% increase over 2017.    The components industry in Spain has created almost 40,000 new direc...
11 June 2019 - Read more
EC: High-level Conference on “Skills for Industry Strategy 2030”
The European Commission will organise a high-level conference on “Skills for Industry Strategy 2030” on 19 and 20 June in Brussels. The first day will take place at Autoworld and will be dedica...
05 June 2019 - Read more
In an uncertain world, no time for navel gazing – CLEPA Newsletter Editorial June 2019
With president Trump touring Japan, then further aggravating trade relations with China and Mexico and tweeting support for a hard Brexit, only meagre attention has been paid internationally to the ou...
04 June 2019 - Read more
EC: ADASANDME Project, smarter and safer automated driving
Automated driving is soon set to change the way we drive, but its success depends – in large part – on how effectively this cutting-edge technology links to the living, breathing person behind the...
03 June 2019 - Read more
MEMA rejects new tariffs on Mexico imports and urges a return to the hard work of implementing the USMCA
The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) shares President Trump’s concerns about security at the U.S. – Mexico border. However, imposing tariffs on all goods crossing the Mexican...
31 May 2019 - Read more
EC: report on recovery of critical and other raw materials from mining waste and landfills
  In May 2019, the Commission issued the report 'Recovery of critical and other raw materials from mining waste and landfills - state of play on existing practices'   The report sho...
23 May 2019 - Read more
Seven Global Auto Parts Industries Associations (G7) confirmed to Strengthen Cooperative Relationships, in Yokohama
23rd, May 2019   The third G7 Global Auto Parts Industries Associations meeting was held on May 22, 2019 in Yokohama, Japan on the occasion of the Automotive Engineering Exposition Yokohama 2...
23 May 2019 - Read more
CLEPA Materials Regulations Event 2019: safe handling and disposal of materials is a global goal for minimising the environmental impact of the industry
On May 21st and 22nd, CLEPA organised in Stuttgart, the 12th edition of its yearly “Materials Regulations Event”. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers hosted more than 200 high-level r...
23 May 2019 - Read more
ENSEMBLE Project: survey on GDPR legislation
ENSEMBLE project's main goal is the introduction of multi-brand truck platooning in Europe.   As each input is important, ENSEMBLE has launched a survey to investigate the commitmen...
22 May 2019 - Read more
Automotive supplier industry opposes US trade-restrictive measures
Following the declaration by the US President on the imports of cars and parts into the United States, CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, opposes the application of trade restric...
21 May 2019 - Read more
EC: European Research and Innovation Days
The European Research and Innovation Days, a gathering of Europe’s best and brightest researchers, scientists, innovators and policy makers, will take place in Brussels on 24, 25 and 26 September 20...
16 May 2019 - Read more
EC: EU Sustainable Energy Week 2019
17 - 21 June 2019 The EU Sustainable Energy Week is the biggest event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholde...
15 May 2019 - Read more
CLEPA participation in the Fifth United Nations Global Safety Week
  In the occasion of the Fifth United Nations Global Safety Week, held from the 6th to the 12th of May, the UN launched the campaign #SpeakUp focusing on leadership for road safety. By using this...
15 May 2019 - Read more
EC: Call for top experts to shape new research and innovation missions
The European Commission launched today a call for experts to join ‘Mission Boards’, which will advise the Commission for the identification and implementation of missions i...
13 May 2019 - Read more
Publication by Finnish Government on Perspectives for the EU’s strategic priorities in 2019 – a new design for sustainable growth
A few weeks ahead of their EU Presidency, the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment released a Publication which is “intended as a basis for the new strategic priorities of the Europe...
10 May 2019 - Read more
EP Study: Women, Gender Equality and the Energy Transition in the EU
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, examines the evidence on the role of women...
08 May 2019 - Read more
EC: CO2 emissions from energy use decreased in 2018 compared with 2017
Eurostat estimates that in 2018 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion significantly decreased by 2.5% in the European Union (EU), compared with the previous year. CO2 emissions ar...
08 May 2019 - Read more
ENSEMBLE Project: watch the new video!
ENSEMBLE has disseminated new materials explaining the purposes and the next steps of the EU co-funded project. You can find below the new video, which clarifies in one minute, what is truck platoonin...
05 May 2019 - Read more
EC: Proposal on new WTO rules for electronic commerce released
The EU has today made public its text proposal on future rules and obligations on e-commerce as part of WTO negotiations on e-commerce endorsed by Ministers in the margins of the Davos Wor...
03 May 2019 - Read more
EC: Commissioner Moedas meets Japanese Science Minister Takuya Hirai
Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, met today Takuya Hirai, the Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy. They agreed that the latest developments in...
03 May 2019 - Read more
EU-US trade talks move forward, but problems remain
The European Commission has given the green light for trade talks with the United States to begin, but the real difficulties are yet to come. The European Commission’s consultation on the EU-US Tr...
29 April 2019 - Read more
Participation of CLEPA at the 2nd EU-Japan EPA Forum in Milan
The 2nd EU-Japan EPA Forum will be held on May 16-17, 2019 Hotel Principe Di Savoia in Milan. Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA, will brief the audience with insights on the EU-Japan ‘s...
26 April 2019 - Read more
Reasserting the differentiators of European competitiveness – CLEPA Newsletter Editorial April 2019
What are the key differentiators if Europe wants to stay competitive in the global arena? How to lead in an age where complexity reigns, and where efforts – research and investments, both public a...
25 April 2019 - Read more
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