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With some floating a technology ban, social ramifications rise up the policy ladder too – Newsletter Editorial June 2021
In the slipstream of headlines like ‘EU mulls death penalty for combustion engine’, Brussels starts eying a social framework to ensure that ‘nobody is left behind’. But why should it take su...
24 June 2021 - Read more
Automotive Skills Alliance continues analysing skills needs and regional implementation
The Automotive Skills Alliance continues its work in preparation for the launch of the first pilot projects on re-upskilling the workforce in the mobility sector. The two meetings held this month ha...
23 June 2021 - Read more
European Union proposes reform to modernise the World Customs Organisation
The European Union has presented for the first time its initiative for a broad reform of the World Customs Organisation (WCO), the global forum that shapes international standards and common a...
20 June 2021 - Read more
170 scientists call on European Commission to take technology-neutral approach to avoid failing climate goals
A group of 170 scientists from universities and research institutes across Europe have called on the European Commission to promote a technology-neutral, transparent, and competitiveness-oriented ap...
18 June 2021 - Read more
Two new UN Vehicle Regulations on the protection of pedestrians and cyclists enter into force
Two new United Nations Vehicle Regulations will reduce the number and severity of collisions between vehicles moving off from a stationary position or in reverse manoeuvre at low speed, and pedestri...
18 June 2021 - Read more
Climate neutral mobility: Defossilise energy and fuel, don’t ban technology
In the context of media coverage on emerging CO2-reduction targets for cars, says Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA, the association of automotive suppliers: “The steeper the target, wi...
17 June 2021 - Read more
Automotive suppliers highlight strategic role in EU semiconductor policy; shortages may be felt well into 2022
Disruptions in the supply chain of semiconductor chips have globally delayed the production of millions of vehicles  Effects may be felt further, well into 2022  Industry needs a str...
17 June 2021 - Read more
ARCADE Project: Joint efforts to deliver smart mobility technologies at the core of milestone event
CLEPA organised a workshop on Vehicle Technologies for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), in the context of the European Project ARCADE (Aligning Research & Innovation for Con...
16 June 2021 - Read more
CLEPA 2021 General Assembly re-elects President and confirms the association’s priorities
Thorsten Muschal (Faurecia), incumbent CLEPA President, was unanimously re-elected for a second term CLEPA addresses members after a turbulent year for industry, highlighting the trajectory g...
11 June 2021 - Read more
Extension of steel import restrictions into EU will hinder competitiveness of automotive suppliers and put jobs at risk
The European Commission's proposal to extend the steel safeguard mechanism by three years threatens to derail the automotive sector’s recovery  Automotive suppliers source most of their s...
11 June 2021 - Read more
CLEPA and high-level stakeholders discuss the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy
The European Association of Automotive Suppliers, CLEPA, hosted the 'Accelerating the transition to sustainable and smart mobility' panel debate just after the 2021 General Assembly last 9 June, wit...
09 June 2021 - Read more
#RefuelsWeek: How defossiling energy can protect thousands of jobs
How do we make sure that the green transition works with the economy and not against it? This question was the starting point for “A win-win situation for climate and jobs”, the fourth session o...
07 June 2021 - Read more
JRC’s Work Programme for 2021-2022 adopted by the Commission
The Joint Research Centre’s (JRC) Work Programme for 2021-2022 has been adopted by the European Commission. As the Commission’s science and knowledge service, the JRC brings solid evidence and w...
07 June 2021 - Read more
A win-win situation for climate and jobs: CLEPA join the webinar during the Refuels Week
How do we make sure that green transition works with the economy and not against it? This question was the starting point for “A win-win situation for climate and jobs”, the fourth session of th...
07 June 2021 - Read more
Innovating, cooperating, and achieving a future with safer roads – Newsletter Editorial May 2021
This week marks the 6th annual Global Road Safety Week, a time for society to reflect and be educated on an often undervalued concept of daily life. Under the patronage of the UN World Health Organi...
20 May 2021 - Read more
Workshop on Vehicle Technologies for Connected, Cooperative & Automated Mobility
An online workshop organised by CLEPA and supported by ERTICO and VDI/VDE-IT next 16 June will focus on Vehicle Technologies for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), in the context...
20 May 2021 - Read more
Political debate around Digital Green Certificates continues as border restrictions ease
While vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 continue across Europe, the situation at the borders of Member states is looking better. Countries such as Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands are loosenin...
19 May 2021 - Read more
Renewable fuels make essential contribution towards climate neutrality
CLEPA, in collaboration with representatives of the automotive, transport, fuel, and energy industry in the EU, is supporting the call for renewable fuels to contribute towards climate neutrality an...
19 May 2021 - Read more
Data access regulation: Fair and equal access for all providers is key
Experts in the telecoms sector, automotive supply industry and data protection law shared their views on how the new EU regulation on data can ensure a competitive market in Europe, that includes al...
17 May 2021 - Read more
European Commission adopts Green Deal’s ambitious Zero Pollution Action Plan
The European Commission has adopted the EU Action Plan "Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil", one of the most important measures approved within the policies of the European Green Deal...
12 May 2021 - Read more
The Automotive Skills Alliance launches two new communication channels
The Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) continues to grow and has officially launched its social channels on Twitter and LinkedIn to provide updates on upcoming events and activities. Among the...
10 May 2021 - Read more
EU and India launch partnership on sustainable connectivity
The EU and India have concluded a comprehensive Connectivity Partnership, confirming their commitment to collaborate on supporting resilient and sustainable connectivity both in India and in third c...
08 May 2021 - Read more
Automotive suppliers work towards a carbon-neutral mobility, prioritising both human health and the environment
Safe manufacturing, use and proper disposal of vehicle parts are a high priority for automotive suppliers. The sustainability criteria are followed both for materials sourcing, and during the...
06 May 2021 - Read more
EU Industrial Strategy: In-depth review comes at the right time; building on existing technology strengths is essential
Commission sees automotive as one of the 14 critical ecosystems in the EU. Industrial policy should provide the right conditions to boost high-quality jobs and sustainable and safe mobili...
05 May 2021 - Read more
UN welcomes comments on the Decade of Action for Road Safety resolution
In August 2020, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 74/299 "Improving global road safety", proclaiming the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, with the ambitious target of preventing...
30 April 2021 - Read more
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