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GM to suppliers: Let’s see books, not bids
General Motors has launched a parts-buying program that forgoes conventional supplier bidding. Instead, GM inspects suppliers' factories and analyzes their internal cost data. Suppliers who agre...
13 May 2015 - Read more
A Digital Single Market for Europe: Commission sets out 16 initiatives to make it happen
The Internet and digital technologies are transforming our world – in every walk of life and in every line of business. Europe must embrace the digital revolution and open up digital opportunities...
06 May 2015 - Read more
Consilium: Safer and greener lorries approved by the Council
Lorry and bus manufacturers will be allowed to exceed current length and weight limits to use designs that will improve road safety and fuel efficiency. These changes to the 1996 weights and dimension...
21 April 2015 - Read more
Strategic Investment Fund: committees back Juncker Plan, but not programme cuts
A negotiating brief on the “Juncker” plan for a European Fund for Strategic Investments to guarantee growth and job-creating investment was backed by the Budgets and Economic and Monetary Affairs...
21 April 2015 - Read more
European Commission launches €3 million prize to improve air quality in cities
The €3 million Horizon prize for materials for clean air will be awarded to the person or team that develops the best material to reduce the concentration of particulate matter in urban areas. Th...
20 April 2015 - Read more
No more dirty money from conflict minerals trade
Putting an end to profits from the trade of minerals being used to fund armed conflicts while promoting responsible sourcing from conflict-affected areas is the aim of the European Parliament’s Repo...
14 April 2015 - Read more
European Commission study available now
Final report: Benefit and feasibility of a range of new technologies and unregulated measures in the field of vehicle occupant safety and protection of vulnerable road users (March 2015)...
31 March 2015 - Read more
Energy Union and foreign policy: EP priorities ahead of the European Council
MEPs gave their input to the upcoming summit in Wednesday’s debate with Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, and Latvian Secretary of State...
12 March 2015 - Read more
Geneva: CLEPA to bang TTIP drum in Washington
European automotive supplier body, CLEPA, says it will take its pro Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) message to Washington next month. The component association says it believe...
05 March 2015 - Read more
Commission launches plan for Energy Union
Today, the European Commission has adopted its strategy for a European Energy Union. Energy is used to heat and to cool buildings and homes, transport goods, and power the economy. But with ageing inf...
25 February 2015 - Read more
TTIP Round 8 stakeholders events, 4th February 2015
European business and advocacy groups have expressed strong support for a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement that should not only aim at full tariff liberali...
05 February 2015 - Read more
European Commission proposes over €1.4 million from Globalisation Adjustment Fund to help former workers from Saint-Gobain Sekurit Benelux in Belgium and Zakłady Chemiczne Zachem in Poland
The European Commission has proposed to provide Belgium with € 1.3 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to help 257 former workers of Saint-Gobain Sekurit Benelux to find new...
22 January 2015 - Read more
Google in talks with OEMs, suppliers to build self-driving cars
DETROIT -- Internet giant Google Inc. has started talks with most of the world's top automakers and assembled a team of global suppliers to speed its push to bring self-driving cars to market, Chris U...
15 January 2015 - Read more
Industrial policy: Waiting for Commission’s new strategy
Commissioner Bienkowska is expected to propose actions to support the EU’s industry by the beginning of the year. Industrial policy will be “one of the main priorities” on the Latvian...
06 January 2015 - Read more
Main results of today’s TTE (Energy) Council
Climate and Energy framework The Council held a policy debate on the 2030 Climate and Energy framework, in the follow-up to the October European Council conclusions. It focused on the new governanc...
09 December 2014 - Read more
Juncker plan: Over 100 bn euro for transport, says Bulc
The transport commissioner considers that the sector could be the main beneficiary Transport projects are likely to be the main beneficiaries of Jean-Claude Juncker's €315 billion investment plan...
03 December 2014 - Read more
Juncker outlines investment plan
Investment fund to leverage €16 billion from the European Commission and €5bn from the European Investment Bank to invest in infrastructure projects, education and renewable energy. The...
27 November 2014 - Read more
COSME: in the business of helping small and medium-sized firms
Representing more than 99% of EU businesses and providing two out of three private sector jobs, small and medium-sized firms are rightly known as the backbone of Europe's economy. But things are n...
20 November 2014 - Read more
Merkel urges Europeans to speed up TTIP talks with US
German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged European nations on Sunday (16 November) to speed up their negotiations with the United States over a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreem...
19 November 2014 - Read more
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