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CLEPA Policy Debate & Annual Reception
25 April 2017   CLEPA Policy Debate and Annual Reception 2017 Brussels, Residence Palace, 5:00 pm   European automotive suppliers accelerate innovation; Safe, sustainable and...
25 April 2017 - Read more
DG Grow – Report on Single Market integration and competitiveness in the EU and its Member States
Please follow the link to access the DG GROW Report on Single Market integration and competitiveness in the EU and its Member States. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the state of integrat...
25 April 2017 - Read more
Electric vehicle network
The German government unveiled on Tuesday an interactive map of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. The Federal Network Agency, or BNetzA, says the map gives consumers an overview o...
20 April 2017 - Read more
Self-driving arms race
The race to develop and exploit autonomous vehicle technology is reshaping the hierarchy of the automotive industry, replacing traditional top-down manufacturing relationships with complex webs of all...
13 April 2017 - Read more
Will Car Users Share Their Personal Data?
With a new generation of connected cars primed to produce reams of operational and owner-related data one hurdle remains. Will people share this data? To find out, McKinsey surveyed over 3,000 consume...
12 April 2017 - Read more
EU and Japan conclude 18th round of trade talks
The 18th round of negotiations between the EU and Japan took place in Tokyo on 3-5 April 2017. This was the first round of negotiation held since the leaders meeting of 21 March 2017 between President...
11 April 2017 - Read more
Delphi Automotive announced investments and partnerships
Car parts supplier and integrator Delphi Automotive announced investments and partnerships in three privately held companies to help carmakers profit from the increasing amount of data produced by the...
10 April 2017 - Read more
Horizon 2020 to be topped up with €200 million
The European Parliament gave today its consent to additional €200 million for Horizon 2020, the current EU research and innovation funding programme, by adopting a compromise on the mid-term review...
07 April 2017 - Read more
1st European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) – “Together, shaping the future”
Few road safety topics have generated as much conversation in recent years as connected and automated driving. The automotive industry is on the cusp of major change. Connected and automated cars hol...
04 April 2017 - Read more
CLEPA Aftermarket Conference: Automotive aftermarket goes digital
Driven by connectivity-based services and new players entering the scene, the digital transformation of the automotive aftermarket business is rapidly gaining momentum and scope. These and other trend...
30 March 2017 - Read more
Road Safety Conference and Informal Council in Malta
In response to the recent slowdown in reducing road fatalities, the Commission is holding together with the Maltese Presidency, a Stakeholder and Ministerial Conference in Malta on 28 and 29 March 201...
29 March 2017 - Read more
Commission gives a boost to youth mobility in Europe
Erasmus (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union student exchange programme established in 1987. On the 27 March 2017, the European Commission presen...
27 March 2017 - Read more
European countries join forces to digitise industry
European countries join forces to digitise industry   Today at the Digital Day in Rome the European Commission launched the European platform of national initiatives on digitising industry....
27 March 2017 - Read more
CLEPA at Digital Day in Rome
Cooperation on connected and automated mobility A large number of European countries have signed a letter of intent to establish, together with the Commission, a legal framework for cross-border t...
23 March 2017 - Read more
EU and Japan make joint commitment to reach a speedy conclusion to trade negotiations
President Juncker and President Tusk have met with the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, with the negotiations for a bilateral trade deal featuring prominently on the agenda. In a statement given b...
22 March 2017 - Read more
First Vice-President Timmermans speech on Better Regulation
European Commission First Vice-President Frans  Timmermans  delivered a speech on the Commission's  Better Regulation Agenda, at the Regulatory Scrutiny Board's first open conference on Regulatory...
22 March 2017 - Read more
EP EMPL – Cedefop
EMPL has published a draft report on regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and repealing Regulat...
22 March 2017 - Read more
Commissioner Malmström in Canada to discuss CETA preparations and EU trade agenda
Commissioner for Trade Cecilia  Malmström is in Canada today for a two-day visit focused on the  preparations for the upcoming entry into force of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreeme...
21 March 2017 - Read more
Digital Day in Rome on March 23
Digital Day takes place in Rome on March 23 it will put Europe's future in the spotlight. It will explore the increasing role that digital plays in the daily life of Europeans and the European economy...
20 March 2017 - Read more
G20 – Strengthening confidence in the digital world
Industrialised countries and emerging economies have come together for a G20 consumer summit. Germany has declared the development of the digital economy and its consequences for a wide variety of fie...
20 March 2017 - Read more
Commissioner Malmström welcomes Parliament’s approval to stop trade in minerals financing armed conflicts
The European Parliament has adopted by an overwhelming majority the proposal to stop trade in conflict minerals. Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström  said:  "I'm very glad we now have an ambi...
17 March 2017 - Read more
EP JURI – Civil law rules on robotics: public consultation
The Committee on Legal Affairs has launched a public consultation on civil law rules on robotics, following its recently adopted report on the subject. The consultation aims to encourage citizens and...
17 March 2017 - Read more
GSA – Galileo provides boost to smart transport systems
The Horizon 2020-funded GHOST project is bringing Galileo's robust positioning capabilities to smart transport systems.   All across Europe, the number of smart cities is multiplying. To ta...
16 March 2017 - Read more
Plenary vote on Circular Economy Package
Today, European Parliament's Plenary adopted four reports on waste proposals. The adopted reports are now referred to the ENVI Committee in order to start the inter-institutional negotiations with the...
15 March 2017 - Read more
EP LIBE – Parliament vote on big data
Big Data: Parliament calls for better protection of fundamental rights and privacy Strengthened transparency of algorithms, special attention to data used for law enforcement and more investment in...
15 March 2017 - Read more
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