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Committee of the Regions wants C-ITS to support local development
On the 11th of October 2017, Members of the Committee of the Regions adopted an opinion on C-ITS. They ask the European Commission to not only make it possible to deploy vehicles that communicate...
11 October 2017 - Read more
Commission gathers Industry and Member States to drive battery production in the EU
On Wednesday 11 October, the European Commission hosted a high level meeting on battery development and production in Europe. Representatives of the European industry, Member States and financial inst...
11 October 2017 - Read more
Report on Connected and Automated Transport
A new report on connected and automated transport has been published by the European Commission, outlining the main trends and developments in the field. This report was prepared under the initiati...
11 October 2017 - Read more
CLEPA-MEMA Press Release on Global Trade
American and European Motor Vehicle Parts Suppliers Call for Free Trade and Harmonized Standards Washington, DC, and Brussels -- 11 October 2017-- In a joint statement released today, the American...
11 October 2017 - Read more
Public consultation on specifications for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
On the 10th of October 2017, the European Commission launched a public consultation on specifications for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems. The consultation period is open until the 5th of Ja...
10 October 2017 - Read more
Tallinn Digital Summit
Prime Minister of Estonia Jüri Ratas has published conclusions from the Tallinn Digital Summit, which are going to be discussed by the European Union leaders at the next European Council taking place...
06 October 2017 - Read more
European Commission urges 9 Member States to transpose rules on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
The Commission has asked Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania and Sweden to fully transpose EU rules on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (Direct...
04 October 2017 - Read more
New EU anti-dumping methodology
On the 3rd of October 2017, the negotiators of the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the proposal adopted by the Commission in November 2016 to change the EU's anti-dumping a...
03 October 2017 - Read more
EU Joint Research Council and interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
On the 2nd of October 2017, the European Commission published a report on the Joint Research Council Implementation for 2017 in the context of the interim evaluation of the Horizon 2020 Programme....
02 October 2017 - Read more
European Parliament – Study on disruptive technologies and their implications for trade
The Directorate General for External Policies of the European Parliament published a study on "Current and emerging trends in disruptive technologies: implications for the present and future of EU's t...
02 October 2017 - Read more
Firestone Industrial Products joins CLEPA as Corporate Member
CLEPA welcomes Firestone Industrial Products as a new corporate member. The company has its European HQ in Arnhem (Netherlands) and is the inventor of the world’s 1st pneumatic suspension device bac...
01 October 2017 - Read more
World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Industrial Property Strategies in the Digital Economy
Launched at the CONCORDi Conference, the report: "World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Industrial Property Strategies in the Digital Economy" is the result of a long-term collaboration between the...
29 September 2017 - Read more
WTO – World Report 2017 on Trade, Technology and Jobs
The 2017 World Trade Report examines how technology and trade affect employment and wages. It analyses the challenges for workers and firms in adjusting to changes in labour markets, and how governmen...
27 September 2017 - Read more
Final report of the Phase II of the C-ITS Platform
Following an invitation of the European Commission, industry representatives and public authorities have agreed on the 22nd of September on a further developed shared vision on the interoperable deplo...
22 September 2017 - Read more
CETA enters into force provisionally
On 21 September 2017 CETA entered into force provisionally. As such most of the agreement now applies. National parliaments in EU countries – and in some cases regional ones too – will then need t...
21 September 2017 - Read more
EU automotive and telecoms sectors shore up connected and automated driving strategy
Frankfurt, 15 September 2017 – As the global race for connected and automated driving gains pace, the European Automotive Telecom Alliance (EATA) met today with the European Commission at the Frank...
15 September 2017 - Read more
EU-Japan trade negotiating directives made public
The Council decided on 14 September 2017 to publish the directives given to the Commission to negotiate a trade agreement with Japan. In 2012, the Council gave a mandate to the Commission to start...
14 September 2017 - Read more
Trade union position on CO2 emissions targets for cars
On the 13th of September 2017, IndustriAll, the European trade union of workers in manufacturing, mining and energy, published its position paper on CO2 reduction from road transport.   CO2...
13 September 2017 - Read more
Automotive supply industry showcases innovation at IAA Frankfurt
Sector pushes clean, safe and connected mobility to new levels Technology neutrality and mid-term review crucial in new CO2 legislation      Frankfurt, 13th September 2017 – T...
13 September 2017 - Read more
NEW: CLEPA corporate member catalogue
CLEPA’s first corporate member's catalogue provides a comprehensive overview of CLEPA’s corporate members and gives you a short overview of each one. A typical vehicle consists of up to 30.000 par...
07 September 2017 - Read more
News from the CLEPA General Assembly 2017
CLEPA re-elected Roberto Vavassori as President and confirmed future priorities.   On Friday, June 30th, CLEPA members highlighted during their Annual General Assembly in Rome, digitalisati...
07 September 2017 - Read more
EU countries implement new procedure improving measurement of vehicle fuel consumption and emissions
As of 1 September 2017, consumers in Europe will benefit from more accurate information on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions thanks to the entry into force of a new standard testing procedure (th...
07 September 2017 - Read more
European Commission open consultation on Vehicle General Safety Regulation
Road safety in the EU has improved significantly over the past decade thanks to strong and effective action taken at EU, national and at a local level. However in the light of recent analyses and tech...
07 September 2017 - Read more
Europe leading the patent race on autonomous driving
The Cologne Institute for Economic Research reported that two European automotive are leading the global race towards autonomous driving. In a short paper, the Institute collated the patents on automa...
07 September 2017 - Read more
WTO rules Brazil is discriminating against EU automotive, ICT and electronic products
The WTO handed a full victory to the EU in its challenge against Brazil's wide-ranging import-substitution and export-performance subsidies. Brazil is an important trade partner for the EU. Since mid-...
07 September 2017 - Read more
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