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Trade barriers: Employment, sustainability and growth of the mobility industry at stake
IN CONVERSATION WITH Today the Commission publishes its new trade strategy, December saw last-minute deals with China and UK and there is a different sound coming from a new administr...
18 February 2021 - Read more
Sheer dimension of chip shortages requires rethinking by industry and policy makers – Newsletter Editorial February 2021
The sheer dimension of the semiconductor shortage and the complexity of solving both short and long term issues requires rethinking of supply chain options by both industry and policy makers. It als...
17 February 2021 - Read more
New free online courses for automotive professionals available on the DRIVES Learning platform
Having identified reskilling and upskilling needs stemming from the automotive sector, taking into account new mobility dynamics and industrial transformations, the EU-funded project DRIVES create...
17 February 2021 - Read more
Application period for the CLEPA Innovation Awards 2021 opens on 1 March!
Every year, the CLEPA Innovation Awards invites companies from across the automotive supply ecosystem to share their latest and greatest efforts in innovation excellence. Take note of the following...
16 February 2021 - Read more
Automotive suppliers raise red flag over border closures and intensified inspections 
The implementation of border controls between the German and the Czech and Austrian border crossings risk to create disturbances in automotive industry production plants soon.  Sigrid de Vries, CL...
15 February 2021 - Read more
New EU trade enforcement rules enter into force
The European Commission, the Parliament and the Council recently reached an agreement on the proposal for a revised enforcement regulation, and this week, strong new trade enforcement rules have enter...
14 February 2021 - Read more
European Parliament approves €672.5 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation
The European Parliament's confirmed the political agreement reached on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation in December 2020. This marks an important step towards making €672.5 bill...
10 February 2021 - Read more
Three landmark UN vehicle regulations enter into force
Three landmark UN vehicle regulations adopted last June by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations entered into force on 22 January 2021, as notified by the United Nations Secreta...
06 February 2021 - Read more
European Commission asks cybersecurity agency to prepare the EU’s certification scheme for 5G networks
The Commission has tasked the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA, to prepare the EU's cybersecurity certification scheme for 5G networks that will help address risks related to technical...
03 February 2021 - Read more
European Commission: €2.9 billion public support for a second pan-European research and innovation project along the entire battery value chain
The Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a second Important Project of Common European Interest (“IPCEI”) to support research and innovation in the battery value chain. The project,...
27 January 2021 - Read more
Optimism and caution prevail, entering into 2021 – Newsletter Editorial January 2021
The automotive and mobility technology suppliers have started the year 2021 with mixed feelings of optimism and caution. Optimism, because demand for vehicles and components is picking up more rapid...
21 January 2021 - Read more
EC: New report on ‘Industry 5.0’ published
The EU’s recovery requires the acceleration of the twin green and digital transitions, to build a more sustainable and resilient society and economy. Industry is among the key drivers of this dual t...
07 January 2021 - Read more
EU-China investment agreement is hopeful sign, but clarity on substance is critical
Europe’s automotive suppliers welcome the conclusion of negotiations between the EU and China on a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment   Sigrid de Vries, CLEPA secretary general, comments...
30 December 2020 - Read more
Automotive suppliers comment on the EU-UK trade deal
The European Association of Automotive Suppliers, CLEPA, welcomes the Christmas trade agreement between the EU and UK and thanks all parties involved for their commitment to getting a deal agreed. Th...
24 December 2020 - Read more
Industry statements on SCIP database: mayor concerns on denomination of substances and the submission process
The database of Substances of Concern or 'SCIP' is raisin two mayor concerns around the automotive industry: Both on the denomination of the substances and on the submission process. On 4 December,...
16 December 2020 - Read more
CLEPA Aftermarket Conference 2021- spring edition announced for 4 March
The 11th edition of the Aftermarket Conference has been announced for 4 March, in form of a virtual event, in order to accommodate to the realities of the current pandemic.   Furthermor...
11 December 2020 - Read more
CLEPA Materials Regulations Event will take place online on 4 and 5 May 2021
  The automotive industry uses a large number of materials to build vehicles. These materials have evolved greatly over the decades, becoming more sophisticated, better built, and safer. T...
11 December 2020 - Read more
Keeping mobility affordable will become a crucial question – Newsletter Editorial December 2020
People cherish the freedom, comfort, and safety of their cars, and more goods than ever are being delivered to our doorsteps each and every day. COVID-19 has, apart from the pressure it’s been showi...
10 December 2020 - Read more
A manageable transition to climate neutrality rests on competitive technologies
Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA comments on the Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility, adopted today by the European Commission: “A manageable transition, for the climate, indus...
09 December 2020 - Read more
EIB Group promises €150 million in support to Artificial Intelligence
Yesterday at the 2020 Web Summit in Lisbon, the European Investment Bank (EIB) together with the European Investment Fund (EIF) launched a new financing instrument, in the form of a co-investme...
03 December 2020 - Read more
Portugal reveals its priorities ahead of EU Council Presidency
Portugal has held the Presidency of the Council on three separate occasions: 1992, 2000, and 2007. Portugal will assume the six-month rotating EU Council presidency for the fourth time on 1 January 20...
03 December 2020 - Read more
Stakeholders’ joint letter: Sustainable renewable fuels should be included in the EU mobility legislation
On 30 November 2020, CLEPA together with 38 associations and companies, collaboratively signed and sent a letter, calling on the European Commission to include sustainable renewable fuels in EU mobi...
30 November 2020 - Read more
GHG emission levels lowest they’ve been in three decades according to EU Climate Action Progress Reports
On 30 November, the European Commission adopted its annual EU Climate Action Progress Report, covering the EU’s progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. What stood out was the conclusi...
30 November 2020 - Read more
Grupo Antolin’s “Clean interiors” most voted supplier aid initiative for COVID-19 relief
The whole automotive supply industry has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 crisis. But not all the news has been disheartening. In response to the health emergency, and especially the cries for mo...
30 November 2020 - Read more
Record number of award entries confirms critical importance of technology leadership in challenging times
Aptiv, BorgWarner, Continental, and Valeo emerge as winners of the 2020 edition of the CLEPA Innovation Awards The SME Special Prize recognises Automotus, Chargetrip, e-troFit, Robby Moto Eng...
25 November 2020 - Read more
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