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CLEPA welcomes Filipa Rio as new Head of Strategic Communications
Filipa Rio has joined CLEPA as Head of Strategic Communications as of 27 September 2021. Filipa has nearly 14 years of experience in the transportation sector, from advocating for vehicle manufa...
28 September 2021 - Read more
ENSEMBLE project event confirms feasibility of multi-brand truck platooning
The EU-funded project ENSEMBLE on multi-brand truck platooning achieved its objectives on 23 September by publicly demonstrating the successful applicability of connectivity functionalities betwe...
24 September 2021 - Read more
DRIVES Project: New training courses available
The DRIVES Learning Platform offers free training courses that can be used by individuals or companies to upskill or reskill their employees. The offer includes different types of courses, from se...
24 September 2021 - Read more
New EU report evaluates data access for open and fair market in mobility services, looks into regulatory action
European Commission presents key points of their latest report on access to in-vehicle data to industry stakeholders  By 2025, 30% of the vehicle park will be connected  Regulating data...
17 September 2021 - Read more
€7 billion EU fund for infrastructure projects: green transport & missing links
A call for proposals launched on 16 September under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport programme makes available  €7 billion for projects targeting new, upgraded and improved Eur...
17 September 2021 - Read more
CLEPA joins Advisory Board of suppliers’ sustainability platform ‘Drive+’
Promoting a harmonised approach on sustainability reporting, CLEPA has been engaged for many years in the dialogue with the Drive Sustainability initiative, together with 11 automotive manufacture...
08 September 2021 - Read more
Automotive suppliers showcase top technologies in Munich
With 500 exhibitors from more than 25 countries, 500 speakers, and new locations in the heart of Munich, IAA MOBILITY kicks off on 7 September. The 2021 edition will showcase new products from...
03 September 2021 - Read more
ARCADE Project: New report to support small pilot projects of Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility
The EU-funded project ARCADE has published a new report presenting Micro-FESTA, a condensed evaluation methodology to support small pilot projects of Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (...
01 September 2021 - Read more
European Commission: New technical guidance on climate-proofing infrastructure published
The European Commission has published a new technical guidance on climate-proofing of infrastructure projects for the period 2021-2027. This document aims at providing climate considerations in fut...
30 July 2021 - Read more
New autonomous driving law enters into force in Germany
The new law on autonomous driving approved by the German government came into force on 28 July, creating the legal framework so that autonomous vehicles (level 4) can drive in regular operation in sp...
29 July 2021 - Read more
European Parliament: EU’s road safety in figures
The EU boasts a pretty good record on road safety, but which countries are the safest? The European Parliament has recently published an infographic containing the latest figures by country, age, ge...
27 July 2021 - Read more
Green Deal and cars: European Commission chooses haste over prudence – Newsletter Editorial July 2021
Taking the temperature of the automotive industry, I’d say that the word ‘deal’ has lost quite some of its shine. A deal in the political sense typically holds a promise: one of working together...
20 July 2021 - Read more
Renewable fuels and electricity make transport climate neutral, not a ban on technology
Commission proposal misses opportunity to promote uptake of renewable fuels to reach climate neutrality in inclusive way  Europe stands to give up on a strategic technology, riskin...
14 July 2021 - Read more
ENSEMBLE Project gets ready for live platooning demonstration event
The European project  ENSEMBLE, dedicated to multi-brand truck platooning, has scheduled a demonstration event on 23 September in Spain. A platoon consisting of seven trucks, one from each leadin...
12 July 2021 - Read more
Coalition calls for urgent ‘Just transition’ framework for Europe’s automotive workforce
In view of the upcoming publication of the ‘Fit for 55’ package next week—which will set out the regulatory framework to implement the EU’s Green Deal, Climate Law and increased 2030 targets...
07 July 2021 - Read more
Green Deal must balance social, environmental and economic objectives and ramifications
High-level representatives from academia, workers associations, mobility-technology industry and government call for a balanced, inclusive Green Deal  Round table provides sneak peek into ne...
06 July 2021 - Read more
European Commission adopts new strategic framework on health and safety at work
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how crucial occupational health and safety (OSH) is for protecting workers' health, for the functioning of our society, and for the continuity of critical economic an...
02 July 2021 - Read more
Joint open letter on the future of vehicle CO2 standards
A coalition of EU associations from the energy and transport sectors has sent an open letter to the European Commission on the importance of achieving climate-neutrality in road transport through the...
02 July 2021 - Read more
France adapts its traffic law to autonomous vehicles
Following the publication of a national strategy for the development of autonomous vehicles in 2018, France has published a decree adopting the provisions of the Highway Code and the Transport Code...
01 July 2021 - Read more
Slovenia kicks off the EU Council Presidency with hints on renewable fuels and digital
Slovenia takes over the rotating 6-month Presidency of the EU today, having declared the reinforcement of Union’s resilience capabilities as one of its main priorities. Actioning the lesso...
01 July 2021 - Read more
Automotive suppliers welcome objectives of the Data Act and stress the need for sector-specific rules on access to data
The European Commission is gathering views to help shape the new Data Act. This legislative initiative is part of the ‘European strategy for data’—published in 2020—and aims to create a fair...
30 June 2021 - Read more
Automotive Employment Footprint Portal provides key view on impact of green mobility transition
CLEPA launches the Automotive Employment Footprint Portal, revealing key data on risks and opportunities for automotive employment Findings of more than 15 recent studies show the magnitu...
30 June 2021 - Read more
EU associations call for the swift ratification of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement process
On 28 June 2019, the EU and Mercosur states reached a political agreement for an ambitious, balanced and comprehensive trade agreement. Two years after, a coalition of 12 European business association...
28 June 2021 - Read more
DRIVES Project interviews Portuguese Minister for Labour on the importance of education & training for the automotive workforce
Protecting jobs has been a priority for the EU and its Member States. Towards this end, the EU has established strategies and schemes to support the automotive industry in coping with changes in compe...
25 June 2021 - Read more
Intelligent speed assistance regulation proposal finalised by the European Commission
The European Commission has adopted the final proposal for the Intelligent speed assistance (ISA) regulation. With important safety benefits, ISA is an advanced safety feature that prevents vehicles...
24 June 2021 - Read more
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