
  On Friday 22 July 2016, CLEPA CEO Paul Schockmel shared his vision for Automated Driving (AD) with in the following blog piece.   In the European automotive value chain, Automotive Suppliers play an essential role by directly employing more than 5 million people and investing 18€...

20 July, 2014: The European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) welcomes the European Commission’s ‘European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility’ set out today. We believe this is a strategy that can both tackle climate change and safeguard Europe’s position as a world leader in the global...

On July 14, it was announced that Gestamp would receive €160m from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for financing research and innovation.   EIB Vice-President Román Escolano and Gestamp CEO Francisco J. Riberas signed an Investment Plan for Europe loan at a ceremony in Madrid. The loan will allow...

On 7 July, Roland Berger published their latest Global Automotive Supplier Study, produced in cooperation with Lazard. The study identifies automotive trends over the last year and provides insight into future developments. As part of the study, performance indicators of more than 600 international suppliers were analysed...

  GENERAL ISSUES   The 59th session the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) took place from 13-19 June, where the following was discussed: Toxicity and flammability - CLEPA proposal was adopted by GRSP, with Final adoption taking place at WP29 session of November 2016. Exchange of information on national and...

    Starting 1 July 2016, the project “Safe and COnnected aUtomation in road Transport” (SCOUT) – a Coordination and Support Action within the Horizon 2020 programme – will develop viable pathways for the large-scale rollout of high-degree automated driving in Europe.   The project will bring together the automotive, telecom and ICT industries in order...

  On 29 June, WABCO and ZF unveiled a breakthrough Evasive Maneuver Assist (EMA) safety technology which automatically steers tractor-trailers around hazardous areas safely and helps to prevent rear-end collisions.   Based on the core competencies of WABCO and ZF systems, Evasive Maneuver Assist controls both the longitudinal and...