Trilogue talks: CO2 standards for cars and vans under discussion
Negotiations on the regulation for CO2 standards for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles are scheduled until Christmas. In the so called trilogue talks between the European Parliament, governments of the Member States in the Council and the Commission, the final shape of the regulation will be agreed on.
Positions of both Parliament and Council are not far apart from each other, giving rise to the expectation of comparatively brief negotiations. The request for Life-Cycle-Analysis from the European Parliament as well as the newly introduced recital 9a on vehicles running exclusively on renewable fuels post 2035 will require some exchange.
CLEPA supports both positions and underscores the importance of an early and thorough review of the regulation. Specifically on the recital and the role of sustainable renewable fuels, CLEPA, together with some members and over 70 other organisations from the energy, engineering and automotive sectors have published an open letter calling for clearer language. CLEPA is reaching out further to inform the negotiations.
In: CLEPA News, Emissions, Environment & Energy