Technical Regulation Activities March 2016

The next CLEPA Materials Regulations Event will be held in Bad Homburg (Germany) on 20th April 2016



  • The 168th session of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP29) was held in Geneva from 8 to 11 March 2016.

A new UN Regulation under the 1958 Agreement was adopted: Sound requirements for Quiet Road Transport Vehicles. Also 25 amendments to existing Regulations were adopted.

Discussions continued on the development of UN Global Technical Regulations under the 1998 Agreement.

Also on the agenda:

  • Review of the 1958 Agreement: still pending the EU position, as European Parliament has not yet given its consent. Adoption of the Revised Agreement at WP29 June 2016 session at the earliest
  • Improvement of the 1998 Agreement implementation: EU/JAPAN/USA updated proposal agreed; Formal adoption at WP29 June 2016 session.
  • Consistency between the requirements of the 1968 Vienna Convention and those of the Regulations and Global Technical Regulations under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements.
  • Automated Driving: status of the Informal ITS/AD informal Group.
  • Financing the Database for exchange of type-approval documentation/ Unique Identifier and transfer of data from German KBA to new UN structure.
  • Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems, following the VW case.
  • The UN Informal Group on the revision of the UN 1958 Agreement and on introducing International Whole Vehicle Type-Approval (IWVTA) in the UN system met in Paris on 3 and 4 March 2016. Meeting mainly dedicated to the preparation of the new UN Regulation R0 on international whole vehicle type-approval and to the review of the guidelines on amendments, supplements and transitional provisions after the revised UN 1958 Agreement enters into force.


On International Trade and technical barriers to trade:

  • CLEPA met DG Growth on 14 March 201 6 to debrief on the EU-USA TTIP discussions on regulatory convergence held in February 2016:
  • Improving efficiency of the UN 1998 Agreement: US/EU/Japan proposal agreed at WP29, next meeting to discuss implementation.
  • NHTSA and EU discussed a list of topics for equivalence, “equivalence +” and harmonisation
  • The intention is to have the list and a work plan before the summer. No clear indication was given of the content of this list .



On materials reporting (IMDS) and related issues:

  • The CLEPA IMDS Expert Group met on 15 March 2016. On the agenda:
  • Preparation of the next CLEPA Materials Regulations Event
  • Status and next steps on:
    • IMDS Data Use
    • DUNS number
    • Ford issues
    • Chemistry Manager/ REACH Information in IMDS
    • Electronic components
    • Materials naming rules
    • GADSL Check Box
    • Conflict Minerals
    • Safety Data Sheet Project
    • Renault early MDS request
  • Next SUAL meeting (30/5- 2/6 in Tokyo)
  • GADSL – Next EU GASG meeting
  • REACH-GADSL-IMDS processes
  • The Supplier Alliance met on 2 March 2016 to prepare the SUAL meeting end of May 2016, to review the agenda of the JAPIA Product Chemical Compliance Conference   on 1 June 2016 and the status of the CAMDS Use Conditions file.

On the ELV and similar Regulations, ACEA and CLEPA met on 23 February and 17 March 2016:

  • To agree on further actions on the homogeneous materials issue and on further revision of the Annex 2 to the EU ELV Directive
  • To exchange information on the implementation of the Chinese ELV and Recyclability Regulations and to envisage common actions on issues of concern.



On General Safety of Vehicles:

Safety Glazings

The UN Informal Group on Panoramic Sunroof Glazings met at CLEPA offices on24 February 2016 to review the scope of UN Global Technical Regulation 6 and discuss testing of glazings with ceramic printed area, further to sunroof breakage reported by Korea.

On Euro NCAP:

CLEPA “mirror groups” to prepare CLEPA input on Frontal Impact, Side Impact, Child safety, AEB-Car to Car, AEB-Vulnerable Road Users, Lane Assist Systems regularly met.

On the Euro NCAP 2020 Road Map and preparation of associated protocols, CLEPA experts met on 24 and 25 February 2016, ACEA and CLEPA experts met on 25 February 2016.

The Euro NCAP Industry Liaison Meeting was held on 26 February 2016 where Euro NCAP revealed their intentions for future protocols and associated work programme.

On Automated Driving:

  • CLEPA experts met on 2 March 2016 to prepare a position paper on Event Data Recorder for Automated Vehicles
  • The UN Informal WP29 Group ITS/AD met in Geneva on 9 March 2016:
    • Definition of Automated Driving Technology and Identify the main horizontal issues and legal obstacles: Japanese proposal available, to be commented.
    • Protection of personal data and cybersecurity: Japan/Germany proposal available, to be commented.
    • Scope of the UN Informal Group ACSF (Review of UN R79 on steering systems)- French proposal: to be discussed at UN-GRRF
    • Exchange of information on standardization work at ITU, ISO/TC 204 and ISO/TC22

On Lighting and Light-Signalling

From 29 February to 1 March 2016 Informal United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling Experts’ Working Group Simplification of Lighting Regulations convened at CLEPA Offices and finalized several draft proposal for the amendment of existing Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations in view of addressing the Simplification suggestions during the 75th United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling Plenary Session.

CLEPA Lighting and Light-Signalling Experts’ Working Group meeting took place on 22 March 2016 to prepare CLEPA’s participation to the 75th United Nations Lighting and Light-Signalling Plenary Session (UN Offices, Geneva; 05-08.04.2016).

On Braking Systems and Steering Gears

From 29 February to 1 March 2016 joint Industry preparatory meeting for the 6th Informal United Nations Braking Systems and Steering Gears Automated Commanded Steering Function Working Group convened at CLEPA Offices to review and assess the inputs expected to be provided by the Automotive Industry during the aforementioned United nations’ meeting; and, to schedule the final agenda of its next Joint Industry meeting.

Informal United Nations Braking Systems and Steering Gears Working Group Experts’ meeting took place from 2 to 3 March 2016, at CLEPA Offices, in Brussels, to further address definitions and classifications of coupling systems; to amend, in function, the existing regulations; etc.

Joint Industry Radio Regulations Experts’ Task Force meeting took place on 16 March 2016, at ACEA Offices in Brussels, to address 79GHz and other international automotive related availability and use of wave bands.

From 30 March to 1 April 2016—Joint Industry Experts’ final tuning meeting for the 6th Informal United Nations Braking Systems and Steering Gears Automated Commanded Steering Function Working Group; the venue is OICA Offices, Paris, FR. The Joint Industry Experts shall finalize the documents they shall present during the 6th Informal United Nations Braking Systems and Steering Gears Automated Commanded Steering Function Working Group meeting.



European Commission Directorate General Growth Worldwide harmonized Light-duty vehicles Test Programme and Real Driving Emissions-Light-Duty Vehicles meetings, previously convened on a monthly basis, have, until further notice, been postponed due to other priorities; the Administrative Working Group nevertheless went on with its regulatory drafting work.

European Commission Technical Committee Motor Vehicles’ 55th meeting attending Member State Delegates exchanged views e.g. on the WLTP transposition into EU law; on the Methodology for the determination of evaporative emissions (Type 4 test) and, Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information; Commission regulation on the durability of replacement pollution control devices; the EC type-approval of vehicles in respect to the installation of 112-based eCall in-vehicle systems and of 112-based eCall in-vehicle separate technical units or system components; the emissions from heavy duty vehicles as regards the provisions on testing by means of portable emission measurement systems (PEMS) and the procedure for the testing of the durability of replacement pollution control devices etc.

9-10 March 2016, 39th Informal United Nations Pollution and Energy Particulate measurement Programme Experts’ meeting, at the European Commission Offices in Brussels, to address Exhaust and Non-exhaust vehicles’ emissions


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