Seven Global Auto Parts Industries Associations (G7) confirmed to Strengthen Cooperative Relationships, in Yokohama

23rd, May 2019


The third G7 Global Auto Parts Industries Associations meeting was held on May 22, 2019 in Yokohama, Japan on the occasion of the Automotive Engineering Exposition Yokohama 2019. G7 is composed of seven major auto parts industry associations from the major vehicle production countries and regions: Brazil, Canada, EU, India, Japan, Mexico, and the USA. The following executive director level personnel of each association attended the meeting.


(Alphabetical order by association except sponsor of the meeting JAPIA):


Mr. Vinnie Mehta, Director General of ACMA (India) Mr. Flavio Volpe, President of APMA (Canada) Ms. Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA (EU) Mr. Oscar R. Albin, Executive President of INA (Mexico) Mr. Bill Long, President & CEO of MEMA (USA) Mr. Gabor Deak, Advisor to the President of SINDIPECAS (Brazil) Mr. Masashi Oshita, Vice Chairman & Executive Managing Director of JAPIA (Japan)


Attendees of the third G7 meeting in Yokohama including the above mentioned seven leaders


The following main issues were discussed in the meeting:

  • Market review (economic situation, production, sales & export outlook, megatrend, etc.)
  • Political & trade issues (political situation & trade agreements update such as USMCA, US/China issue, Brexit, TTP, etc.)
  • Decarbonization (renewable fuels, EV conversion, new CO2 standard, etc.)
  • Regulation developments (safety & environmental regulations, etc.)
  • Harmonization (ASEAN & China situation, development in automated & connected vehicle, etc.)
  • Government’s role in innovation investment


Among the issues above, the centre of the discussion was on politics, trade and EV conversion. Regarding trade issues, the impact of US policies on countries and regions such as the USMCA’s movements, the president Trump administration’s policy not only to China, but also to the rest of the world was debated.


On the other hand, regarding EV conversion, although the sales share of EV in each country/region is still small, the necessity of a regulatory framework along with the expansion of the penetration was discussed. The possibility of setting a unified position as the G7 group in the future was also talked about on this matter. They also agreed to continue watching China’s movement which is remarkable for promoting electrification.


Moreover, all participating leaders agreed to continue to exchange opinions and to share information while strengthening cooperative relationships in order to keep and enhance global supply chains.


The first G7 meeting was originally proposed by Mr. Steve Handschuh, the former President & CEO of MEMA, and was held in Las Vegas in January 2017. The purpose of the meetings is to share the challenges faced by auto parts industries in each country/region due to globalisation of suppliers, explore ways to mutually cooperate among organisations, and have shared information be utilised in the global strategies of each member company. The second meeting was held in Geneva and hosted by CLEPA last year. The next meeting will be held in February 2020, at the timing of the 15Th Auto Expo 2020 in India.


G7 Member Associations

(Alphabetical order by association except sponsor of the meeting JAPIA)


ACMA – The Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India

APMA – The Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association of Canada

CLEPA – The European Association of Automotive Suppliers

INA – The National Auto Parts Industry Association of Mexico

MEMA – The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association of the U.S.A.

SINDIPEÇAS – The National Association of Brazilian Auto Parts Manufacturers

JAPIA – The Japan Auto Parts Industries Association




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