Press Release: Parliament votes in favour of tech diversity in HDV CO2; Trilogue negotiations should stay the course
Brussels, 22 November 2023 – The European Parliament voted on its position regarding the CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). The Parliament maintains the CO2 emission reduction targets proposed by the European Commission, brings forward the review by a year to 2027 and asks the European Commission to come forward with a methodology for the registration of HDVs running exclusively on renewable fuels.
CLEPA Secretary General, Benjamin Krieger says: “The Commission has made a proposal for CO2 targets for heavy-duty vehicles, which leaves the door open to use a variety of technologies. A majority in the European Parliament supports this and goes even further by asking for the registration of vehicles running on renewable fuels, similar to a request by Council for cars and vans. This would be a positive signal for technology diversity, giving more choice to operators while bringing down emissions more effectively. The final shape of the regulation now rests on EU policy makers staying this course at the upcoming trilogue negotiations”
There is a consensus between the European Parliament and the Council on the ambition level of the targets for 2030, 2035 and 2040 as proposed by the European Commission. Benjamin Krieger adds: “The European CO2 targets for heavy-duty vehicles are the most challenging in the world. Achieving these requires a concerted effort by all stakeholders to ensure that enabling conditions are in place, such as charging and refuelling infrastructure, renewable fuels and green energy as well as energy taxation and carbon pricing. A thorough review of the regulation in 2027 will be needed to determine the most effective levers to reduce carbon emissions from heavy-duty vehicles.”
In: CLEPA News, Environment & Energy