INEA: Six transport projects under Horizon 2020 now open for applications

Applications are now open for six transport topics under the 2018-2020 Horizon 2020 Work Programme. They make available EU funding of €92 million.

The applicants will have to present project proposals aiming to make European transport safer, cleaner and more resilient.

The projects will be selected for funding in two-stage evaluation.

First, candidates should submit short project proposals by 9 January 2020. They will be then informed within three months after the deadline if they have qualified to the second stage of the selection process.

If so, they will be invited to submit full project proposals by 8 September 2020.

The final decision about which projects will receive EU funding will be known by April 2021 at the latest.

The topics for application are:

TopicDetailsIndicative available budget
LC-MG-1-12-2020Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility; new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions€18 million
LC-MG-1-13-2020Decarbonising long distance shipping€20 million
LC-MG-1-14-2020Understanding and mitigating the effects on public health of emerging non-regulated nanoparticle emissions issues and noise€10 million
MG-2-10-2020Enhancing coordination between Member States’ actions in the area of infrastructure research with a particular focus on biodiversity and ameliorating environmental impacts and full automated infrastructure upgrade and maintenance€17 million
MG-2-11-2020Network and traffic management for future mobility€20 million
MG-2-12-2020Improving road safety by effectively monitoring working patterns and overall fitness of drivers€7 million


How to apply?

Applicants have to submit their proposal electronically, following the link from the topic page on the Funding & tender opportunities portal. Please follow the guidelines on proposal submission and evaluation (pdf). For all questions related to Horizon 2020, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

How will the grants be awarded?

The submitted proposals are evaluated by external experts drawn from the European Commission’s independent expert database. Grant agreements will be signed with the successful applicants maximum eight months after the deadline.


Source: European Commission

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