Published on 24.11.2020
Euro 7: A coalition of transport and energy stakeholders voices their concerns in a letter to the European Commission
A coalition of transport and energy stakeholders has written to the European Commission voicing concerns on the process the Commission is following in the DG GROW Advisory Group on Vehicle Emission Standards (AGVES) on Euro 7.
CLEPA, the European association of automotive suppliers, has co-signed this letter, along with the manufacturers’ association (ACEA), the fuel industry (FuelsEurope), the natural gas vehicle industry (NGVA) and the international road transport organisation (IRU).
The joint text calls for key principles for the Euro 7 preparations:
- Clear definition of the objectives for new Euro 7/VII regulations.
- Consider new pollutant emission targets that are commensurate with need, proportionality and cost‐effectiveness.
- Consider changes to pollutant emission test procedures that, on their own, could achieve a proportionate impact on air quality where it is needed.
- Join‐up the potential for further pollutant emission reductions from new vehicles to the achievement of future CO2 targets.
- Ensure the work in AGVES on Euro 7 is a transparent data‐driven process that allows stakeholders sufficient time to analyse new proposals and collect input for evidence‐based responses.
In: Emissions, Environment & Energy, Growth & Competitiveness