ENISA – Getting ready for the European Cyber Security Month 2017
European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has 100 days left for the launch of the European Cyber Security Month, the EU annual awareness campaign which takes place in October supported by ENISA and EC DG CONNECT with the participation of many partners from all over Europe.
“Cyber Security is a shared responsibility!” is the motto of the ECSM campaign. Preparation for this year’s Cyber Security Month kick-off event is in collaboration with the Estonian Information Systems Authority. Taking place during the Estonian Presidency, the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communication will be hosting the kick-off event at their premises in Tallinn on the 29th September 2017.
The ECSM runs for the entire October, with each of its four weeks focusing on a different topic. During each week, ENISA and its ECSM partners will be organising events and activities centred on each of these themes. Events may have an emphasis on education material, strategy summits, general presentations to users, online quizzes, etc. 2017 marks the 5 year anniversary of the ECSM campaign.
Source: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/news/enisa-news/getting-ready-for-the-european-cyber-security-month-2017