EC: Update of the” Transport in the European Union Current Trends and Issues” publication
The document, produced by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) of the European Commission, provides and overview of the performance reviews of EU countries in transport market functioning, infrastructure quality and the environmental impact of transport. It also identifies levers to address the challenges and reviews the approach taken at EU level, and finally the report examines the state of play of existing policies and takes stock of where EU countries stand in implementing these policies, adding key issues and performance indicators for each EU country.
Challenges such new socio-economic and technological developments, capacity and climate change are not the only developments affecting transport, and new ones have also emerged or become more prominent, such as the collaborative economy, digitalisation, big data, increasingly complex business structures and supply chains, and a shift to a circular economy.
These challenges are laid out in the second edition of this report, that provides an overview of the issues facing both the EU at large and its individual Member States. The report sets out the key trends and issues for the single European transport area, the development of a transport infrastructure network across EU countries, and the external costs of transport.
Source: European Commission
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