DRIVES Project: Online Survey’s deadline extended till 15th April

Skills need for the automotive sector!


On 14th March 2019, DRIVES openly introduced the overall project strategy by organising its online webinar to explain the questionnaire that will support the survey supporting the European roadmap on education and training to prepare for the challenges in the automotive value chain.

More than 90 stakeholders from automotive sector engaged with the initiative, following the presentation and Q&A with recognised interest. Participants from 18 different countries, representing entities and companies based in Europe, covered a wide spectrum of the industry automotive cluster, as well, Trade and National Associations and education and training institutions.


The questionnaire is the cornerstone of DRIVES assessment of the Automotive sector’s problems, expectations and needs. It aims at listening and delivering to stakeholders: provide first-hand information of the analysis of drivers of change, identified emerging job roles and skills and designing tailor-made training offers to prepare for forthcoming defies of the sector.


DRIVES Project just entered its second of a total of four years’ activities that are having a fundamental impact in the primacy of the European automotive sector globally. The proximity and interaction with its stakeholders is crucial.


Detailed information and a video of the webinar is available on DRIVES website and published on questionnaire web page:  Further information on the questionnaire, can be addressed to your DRIVES contact or to



DRIVES is a European project and Sector Skills Alliance (SSA) into the Automotive field, covering all levels of the value chain (vehicle production, automotive suppliers and automotive sales and aftermarket services).


The project runs from 2018 to 2021 with a budget of 4 million euros and involves 24 European partners, including public entities, European sectorial associations, VET schools and Universities, from 11 EU partner countries. The main goal is to develop concrete actions to satisfy short- and medium-term skills needs to support the overall sectorial strategy and you can find more detailed information at



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